Chapter 9

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"Ethel could you watch the kids?" Jackie asked as she was at Bobby and Ethel's house

"Yes." Bobby replied walking in with Chris in his arms.

"Where are the kids?" Jackie asked

"John is At Teddy's he is with TJ and Rylan . Caroline is at Eunice's. She is with Maria, Bailey, River and Gavin. Lilly, Liam. Luke, Riley Robby and Abby are playing Wii I think they are playing. Mario party 8. Bella is with Courtney and David they are playing superheroes with Tommy, Jake Zack, Matt, , Timmy ,Victoria ,and Robin " Bobby replied rocking Chris and putting him down in the playpen they had in the TV room

Jackie nodded and smiled Bobby and Jack were good at knowing where the kids were and who they were with. They all knew where the kids were it wasn't so hard. The kids had their own little playmates. They joked that I was a bonus having kids all around the same age they would always have more than one best friend.

"Jackie the hospital called if you want to bring the kids with you they can see Jack for a bit." Kick told her after she had entered Bobby's. Ethel had invited her in.

"I'll run and Get the kids." Bobby said

Jackie nodded

"Jackie don't go down to the basement. I will go and get Lilly ." Ethel said as she went down the stairs to Bobby and Ethel's den they had a sports theme filled with sports merchandise from the Boston Bruins, Boston Red Socks, and Miami Dolphins.

"Lilly can you go and get you things together." Ethel

"Yeah . Is everything okay?"

"Yes you and your siblings can see your dad." Ethel told her

"Yahoo!" Lilly said jumping up she ran up the steps running into her Uncle Bobby

"Uncle Bobby I get to see my dad." Lilly said

"I'm going to see Daddy." John said happily."

"I know guys." Bobby replied

Bella and Caroline came in the door. Yelling that they were going to see their dad.

"Jackie I will take the kids home after. You can have one of our cars. Jean ,Pat and Eunice are with Jack now." Bobby replied

Jackie nodded she got the kids together

"Thanks Bobby and thanks Ethel. "Jackie said

"can you drive?" Ethel asked

"Not really." Jackie replied

"I'll take you." Bobby replied


"Sorry you had to see that." Jack told his sisters after he was sick

"Jack it's alright we have seen you throw up before. You had the flu before." Jean replied

"Oh right."

"Do you remember that?" Pat asked

"No enlighten me while I empty my stomach contents." Jack told his sisters

"Are you being sarcastic?" Eunice asked

"Yes." Jack replied sinking back against his pillow after he had a vomiting fit.

Eunice called for a nurse

She came in she gave Jack the anti-sickness medication.

"You will feel better soon." The nurse told him as she took the basin and left another one

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