chapter 21

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Joe sat by the lake sobbing. He lost his younger brothers and he felt so guilty he felt like he failed his brothers.


"Teddy my little brothers are dead. I should have tried harder to save them."

"Joe it's not your fault."

"Teddy I'm a doctor I should have done more."

"Joe this was not your fault. They died due to the infections you did your best to help them."

Tim walked to where his brothers were on the dock he hugged Joe and Ted.

"I'm giving a eulogy for Jack. I pray I get through this. "Tim said

"I never thought I would hear you say that. I feel like I lost two of my best friends." Joe replied

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm giving Bobby's eulogy " Joe said

"I can't believe I'm saying something at my two older brothers funeral." Teddy responded

Joe and Tim nodded.

As the three men sat in silence as they last on the dock looking out at the water.


"Not now Billy."

"Kick I'm sorry for your loss."

" I'm not hungry. I made you dinner I'm going for a walk." Kick said leaving her home. As Billy held their infant son who would never know Jack or Bobby

She met up with her sisters Pat , Eunice and Jean both had dried tears

Staining their faces. The sisters embraced and cried

Ethel and Jackie sat with joan Josie and Liz they needed family

Joan couldn't help to feel bad for Jackie and Ethel both women had lost their husbands.

She knew the Kennedy family would never be the same again.

This was a huge blow.

The kids were all in their rooms. Abby and lily refused to come out of their rooms

Bella and Caroline were with them as was John., Luke, Bobby jr, David, Kerry  and Michael were they didn't know why their older siblings were so upset Caroline and Bella did.

 The twins were on the porch I car seats sleeping Chris was sitting in  his play pen 

"We lost our older brother and younger brother. I can't believe they are gone." Pat said

"We will never again hear Jack and Bobby laugh. We will never again see them on the lawn playing football or flashlight tag. Why Jack and Bobby why?" Jean sobbed

"I will miss the bantering I will miss Jack and Bobby's humor. When they got the jokes running it was so fun. Jack had a way to tease Tim and Joe with his quick wit. Bobby annoyed them with his movie impressions. He was the best at ET phone hone home. "Eunice said

Ethel smiled she would miss her husband's loving touch his sweet ways to make her feel good his loving ways she would miss him so much why did her beloved Bobby die . Her best friend and sole ate was gone. why? She got up to go for a walk along the beach she needed to be alone

Jackie kissed her infants she looked at them the one month olds would never know thier father they would never know his love they would never see his smile they would never know his loving hugs or his humor. They would never have their father. Jackie walked down the steps in tears she felt like a piece of her heart was gone her best friend her soulmate was gone. The love of her life was never coming back. She would never feel his arms around her his hands would never embrace hers. She sobbed

"Oh Jack" she replied as she sunk down to the ground.

Ethel stood looking at the beach she hoped she would see Bobby running along the beach. Something he loved to do although it was winter he wouldn't be running.

She turned towards the door in hopes Bobby would come out and wrap his arms around her.

She turned to hear her kids fighting how was she going to deal with this she turned to go inside

She went to yell at her kids about miss behaving she sunk onto the couch and stated to cry.

Her beloved Bobby was not coming back. 

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