chapter 27

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Jack was resting in his hospital room Eunice was down the hall getting some water for him.

Jack snuck out of his room his room was luckily right by the elevator he took the elevator up to the floor Bobby was on. He made it to the floor stepped out of the elevator he walked down the hall looking in the rooms. He stopped Bobby with Abby and Lilly sitting with Jean and Steve

"Why didn't you text me to join the party?" Lilly and Abby ran to hug him

Jack sat down beside Bobby and hugged him

"John Fitzgerald Kennedy!" came a voice

"Hi Joe, I had to see Bobby I'm fine come join the party. "Jack replied

Rosemary ran in and hugged both brothers

"Well don't party too hard i guess i should have known you would come up here" Joe said

Bobby and Jack sat talking something they did every day. Bobby Ws getting better every day it was a month sense they had been in a coma. Bobby was going home in a few days Jack was also being released both were so happy to have survived.

The day of Jack and Bobby's release the family was having a welcome home party.

"Bobby take it easy"

"I'm okay Ethie I'm just glad to be going home."

"We are happy to have you home too." Ethel said helping him into the car."

"Bunny let me help you."

"I'm okay kid. Just tired and looking forward to going home."

"it will be nice to have you home."

Jack smiled and got into the car

Ethel honked as she drove by

Jackie got in and drove them home

Ethel and Jackie arrived home at the same time.

Both helped their husbands into Bobby's house

"Welcome home!"

Jack smiled this was family he looked over at bobby who was smiling after hugs and welcome homes the family sat together talking the Kennedy's were back together they were a family and they wouldn't change it for the world.

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