What! My mommmm, oh no! She ded???

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"I'm going to kill you, you bastard!!!" Kirishima rose his fist in the air ready to hit the (future dead) number one hero.
Suddenly, the door to the class room was slammed upon.
"What the actual fuck."
There stood a certain blonde the class loved so much.
"KACCHAN! Hey, are you doing okay?" Izuku stepped forward towards katsuki. He was quick to wrap his arms around katsuki. Relief flooded him, and he stifled the tears threatening to spill. He was too much of a crybaby. 

"Get the fuck off me!!!" The blond yelled to the green haired boy.
Even, as he yelled towards the worried boy you could see his facial expressions soften.
"Kacchan..? Are you feeling alright?" Izuku began to get seriously worried. It had been so long since he had seen katsuki yell as much as he was right now.
"Why the fuck should you care? It's none of your fucking business!" Katsuki turned to the class, surrounding the scared skinny might. "Can you all tell me why you are beating up this extra!!!"

"He called you weak... We were just-"Uraraka glared at the number one hero then quickly turned to look at the angry blond. She smiled softly at the blond.

Katsuki flipped in rage. "YOU EXTRA! WHY HELL DO YOU THINK I'M WEAK!!!"
"Why? Because you can't deal with your fucking trauma like a man. So, what if your dad killed your mom, you have to fucking man up!!!" All might spat at katsuki.

Silence filled the classroom. Before a horrified expression appeared on katsuki's face.
"What... You liar. She is fine. I saw her yesterday." Katsuki began backing up. He began hyperventilating.
Uraraka immediately ran towards him. She gently held him as he sobbed into her shoulder.
Confusion was spread throughout the class .
The only sound was the cries of katsuki.
Izuku began to speak.
"Do... You not remember?"

(Sorry the last chapter was so short. Why do you guys think he can't remember? Or is it even him 😏! Anyway, I love you all! Have a good rest of you day/night/evening/afternoon!!!!)

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