CH 1 Welcome to the Neighborhood

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I am telling you right now, do not read this if you are catholic. Not everything is accurate, or still perceived about the religion. 

I am not catholic, however I did grow up in an extremely religious society. If this offends you in anyway, know that it is not my intention. 

 Remember that it's just a story on wattpad, not a published piece. A story that someone is taking the time to write. I originally did not expect for people to read it, but I am grateful to those who took a chance on me.

If you do not like my writing style, I implore you to read something else that is within your style.

Not everyone is going to like every story, but instead of spreading hate, just move on.

For those, who are still willing to read this story... Thank you for taking the time to read this...


Alex's POV:

"No mom!" I shouted, as I grabbed my iced coffee off the counter and made my way to the back porch where, I happen to be every fine Sunday.

"Just take off the face mask and come with me!" She yelled from around the corner.

"No, if you need me, I'll just be an ear shot away." I said, smiling to myself. Watching my mother with a close eye, as I stepped onto our back porch.

She was going to introduce us to the new neighbor. Who by the way has been taking their sweet time moving in all day. They had boxes and tons of shit laying everywhere in the drive way. Practically begging my mom to come over and snoop.

I love my mom, we are extremely close. She never let her age affect how she acts, she was still wild but polished, and passionate in her hobbies. However when it came to minding her own business... that was never a hobby she picked up. 

Hopefully they'll like Abernathy cookies.

I don't know why she was so nervous, we haven't even seen the actual family moving in yet. All we've seen is men. Tons of men. Strong men. Half naked men. Moving the boxes in and out of the house with determination.

With my luck, by the time my mom gets over there, she'll try and work her magic on them. Something along the lines of welcoming them to the neighborhood, only to then make them a new extension of our family. Our. Giant. Neighborhood. Family.

I rolled my eyes, as I saw her happily march over with her wicker basket in hand. She had nothing to worry about, if anything my dad should be worried. Letting his beautiful wife, walk over to the neighbors house with food, and introduce herself to a bunch of hungry men.

 I let a laugh slip past my lips, when I saw the men finally catch sight of her. Immediately dropping boxes, tools, and whatever else they had in their hands. Marching towards her with speed, and affection.

I lifted my legs and propped them up against the white wood on the porch, as I leaned back in my chair. Trying to not get green tea face mask on the towel, I had keeping my hair up. The truth is, I had this Sunday off from work. So taking any chance to have some "me time" was a must. 

Sue me, I hated going to church on Sunday, despite being a model student at St. Marys catholic school. I hated the terrible people, and services. I figured I could be a good person with out any religious bullshit. I wanted whatever relationship I had with god to be personal, not an organized institution forcing me to have faith. 

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