Another One-Shot :)

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Okay I wrote this months ago!! And it revolves around Jax and Eliza their dynamic is so much fun to write about not going to lie lol!!

So if you feel like reading and commenting on this one-shot then go ahead!

"Okay! So, as I am an adult now I think I should be able to go into town now!" Eliza Mare said to her elder sister Skye Mare was sitting on the couch, across from her, and next to her was her lover, Jax. Skye was holding her five year old daughter, Serenity who was asleep right now. "And I know last year was a bit of a fluke because I took your daughter without permission! But I have these packets-" she held out two thick paper packets "-to prove why I should be able too-!" The blonde got cut off.

"Okay." Skye said with a shrug.

"Wait what." The younger blonde responded.

"I said, okay. You can go. You are old enough." Skye said, which caused Eliza to smile until the older sister spoke up again. "On one condition."

"Huh?" The younger blonde tilted her head.

"Jax goes with you." Both Eliza and Jax's eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" Both the mentioned name and the youngest adult yelled.


"I can't believe this..." Eliza grumbled very much, annoyed.

"Don't you dare think I'm happy about this either. I'd rather stay back with Skye and Serenity." Jax said annoyed, and turned his head, looking away from her.

'Why would Skye decide this in the first place? Did she do the cliche 'it'd be good for you two' If anything, one of us will probably end up dead on the top of a tree.' The blonde thought.

The male looked back over at her, sweat creasing his brow. 'That little pest has been quiet for the few minutes... is she plotting my murder or somethin'?'

"Ah! Here we are!" The blue eyed girl said with a smile. "Time to see what I've missed!"

"Who knows, probably nothin' what did you want to come back here for, anyways?" Jax asked, looking down at her.

"Hm... like you said, who knows?" She smiled, however her tone was a bit more positive. The blonde then dug in her pocket, pulling out some (a lot) of money.

"What the fuck?! Where were you hiding that?!" The male asked, shocked looking at her wad of cash.

"When the Reverend Sir stops by and brings money and I get my share by doing chores. I save up instead of spending it right away~ want to explain what you do with your money~?" Eliza smirked.

The black haired male just pulled her hair and pulled her cheeks. "We're not going to say anything and continue walking, okay?" The male said, irritated.

"O-Okay...and ow this hurts...!" Eliza yelled before Jax let go and Eliza rubbed her face, putting her money back in her pocket.

"You're so mean..." the blonde whined.

"It's because you're being annoying." The male scoffed.

"All I asked was a question." Removing her hand from her face.

"But you were being cocky about it, I know you, Miss Eliza Mare. I know how you work." The bi-eyed male stated and the young woman pouted.

"Fuckin' asshole." The blue eyed young woman whispered under her breath.

"What the hell did you just call me?!" The black haired male yelled, glaring at her.

"Nothing!" She yelled, quickly walking ahead, Jax trying to catch up to her.

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