Chapter 8

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A man was sitting at his desk in his office, hastily looking through files, something was obviously on his mind and the woman who watched him from the doorway could see this, so she decided to poke fun at him.

"Something on your mind Morgan?~" The woman asked and smirked, sitting on his desk.

"I can't talk right now, Emily, I'm busy." The man mutters.

"Aw, I'm just trying to have a bit of fun~" Emily pouted.

"Well your fun is obnoxious at the moment, so please leave." He says.

"Tsk, tsk, you've been acting weird ever since you went to your new client's house." Emily says.

"Then I'll continue to be "weird", now just leave me be. And don't you have some serial killer to catch?" Dr. Morgan says with a smirk, knowing that she hasn't caught him yet.

"Tch, Shut it." Emily says. "I'll catch them soon, just you wait." She says, she had an expression only a sadist could pull off apparent on her face. "And I'll come back later to talk." She then left the room.

"Whatever..." The male rolled his eyes and looked back in his files, but he couldn't stop thinking about someone, more importantly, her eyes. 'I don't know what's with me and why I'm so obsessed with Skye's peepers, but I don't care, I must have them! They're the ideal I've been looking for!'


A dark haired male slowly opened his eyes and smelled something... nice... weird. He quickly popped up and glanced in his kitchen. "Skye?" He mutters groggily.

"Oh you're up." The blonde says, glancing at him. "Good morning."

"What're you doing, it's so early..." He says, rubbing his eyes.

"Making breakfast." She says. "I normally do this on weekends for my family... so I thought I'd do this for you, since we're friends."

"That's nice of you, but I usually just find whatever's around, you don't have to do this." Jax says, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Let me guess what you mean by 'whatever's around', you probably get a small pastry and chips at the convenience store." Damn, she hit the nail on the head.

"I hate that you're smart." The male said and bonked her head once more.

The girl chuckled softly. "I'm just good at seeing through people... well most of the time." She says. "Anyways, that isn't good for you, you need a healthy breakfast, not just something randomly packaged that's full of sugar and who knows what."

"Yeah, yeah..." Jax grumbled, knowing she was right. "Anyways what're you making."

"Well, you didn't have much, so I used the bread you had lying around to make french toast." Skye replies.

'It smells good... damn she's too nice and really smart. How did she end up being friends with me?' The man thought.

"And let me guess you learn how to make it through your parents or something?" Jax says.

"No. The internet." The girl says. Looks like Jax missed the head of the nail.

"Hey... why are you doing this?" He asked.

"I already told you, because your my friend-"

"No. Really. I don't deserve this, so why are you really doing it?" He says.

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