Chapter 19

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The priest seemed to be the only one in the church when Jax made his outburst.

"Ah, Jax. I'm surprised to see you here, I don't remember call-"

"Cut the bullshit, old man." Jax says, basically stomping up to the priest. "You knew about this, right?"

"I know a lot of things, young man." Jax then held the scythe at the man's throat. It seems his buttons have been pushed quite enough. "Ah, I see... you meant this."

"We all are living a new life except you, so where's the new four-eyes!" Jax says.

"And why would you like to know?" Gray asked.

"You know damn well why! He's got Ray!" Jax shouts.

"But didn't she tell you that she wasn't Rachel Gardner anymore?" Gray asked, Jax froze for a moment before yelling at the reverend again.

"Just tell me what I wanna know!" Jax says. "She's in trouble! I gotta find her!"

"I see. So you do care about her, even in this life..." The priest says.

"Stop avoiding the subject!" Jax was obviously frustrated and the priest could tell.

"Alright, I'll tell you all I know, just drop your weapon." Gray says.

The male sighed and put his weapon on the floor. "Okay, tell me. Where's the fucker hiding?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know the exact location, but I know it's in the far side of town. Knowing you, it would possibly half an hour." Gray says.

"Dammit that's too long!" Jax shouts.

"I could possibly cause a disturbance for Daniel, if you'd like. Some people owe me a favor" The priest says. "Although... you'd need to be careful, you can't have people catching you."

"As long as I can get Ray back, I'll take whatever chance I can get." Jax says, gripping his scythe tightly. "Hurry and call 'em up, I need to go, now!"

"Hold on Isaac." The priest said.

"The name's Jax, and what else do you want?" Jax says.

The reverend paused for a moment before smiling a bit. "Once you get Miss Gardner come back here, I'll tell you the rest later."

Jax rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever. See ya'." He says before leaving.

'I'll find you Skye, I promise.'


"He said the far side of town... but there's so many fucking houses..." The male muttered.

Jax was running through alleyways, trying to find 'Morgan's' house, but that seemed a bit troublesome since there was too many and none seemed suspicious... so far.

"I should've asked the brat what his car looked like. Damn it!" He mutters. "Well, not like that'd help really... since most cars look the same to me."

"Gah, shit!" He whispers, kicking a rock out of irritation. He then heard a small 'bump' and immediately turned to where the noise was made.

There was a window, at the bottom of a house. Curious, Jax peeked down and noticed he could see most of the basement of the house.

He sighed. "Well, guess I'll have to be a creep until I find the house. Either that or I have to wait until the damn friends of the old man come he whispers." He whispers. "But I have no fucking time for that." 'Since he's a doctor and is obsessed with eyes, that creep should have shelves of 'em. Right?'

"Danny, when I find you, you won't be breathing ever again, in this life or any of them after." Jax says now looking through other houses.


'What is he doing...?' Skye thought to herself. 'He hasn't come back for a while... speaking of which... how long have I been here...? I could be reported missing... well, actually, never mind... my parents don't care too much about me... and Eliza is... No. I can't think about that, I can't cry. I have to get out of here, I have to find Jax. I have to go to Jax...'

She needed to get out... but she can't make much noise, after all who knows where the man is?

'He really took extra precaution huh?' The female thought, looking at her ankles. They were tied tightly together by rope, but it felt like she was chained, her wrists were like that too.

'First thing's first. My wrists...' She thought. They were tied behind the chair, how could she get that over her head without harming herself? 'Never mind... why don't we try the body.' She thought as she maneuvered her body enough to be able to grab the rope. 'The only good thing about having a small body, huh...'

She messed with the rope for a few minutes until she felt it become loose. Soon she managed to slide off the chair.

She still needed to get off the binds on her wrists and ankles though...

'What can I use...?' She looked around until she saw herself... it was a reflection in a mirror...

A memory went through her mind of when Jax cut himself with a glass shard.

Then another one went through her mind of when she- well Rachel- had cut through the painting with a glass shard.

"Sorry for being so hypocritical Zack... well Jax..." She whispers before slamming herself into the mirror, hoping the amount of force she used would break it.

She sighed in relief when she heard the sound of shattering. "Good..." She whispers. "Now for the binds." She grabbed a shard the best she could and cut the rope. She winced a little when accidentally cutting herself, but this was honestly nothing compared to the abuse she has been enduring.

She then cut the ones on her ankles, after that she stood up. Finally free and now time to look for an exit...

But that's what she thought before she heard the sound of a gun being loaded.

"Now, now Miss Skye." A voice said, it was such a slow and creepy voice, it gave her goosebumps. This meant she needed to get out and fast.

"Doctor..." Skye mumbles, gripping the shard tightly... it was even tight enough to see bits of blood leave her hand.

"I don't want to have to do this, so if you could just sit back down in that chair we can do this the easy way." Morgan says. Skye felt his presence get closer.

She needed to get out. Right now.



"Why are you doing this? What will you gain? Just some pair of eyes, is that really worth taking someone's life?" Skye asked, still not facing him.

"You don't understand my way of thinking, Miss Skye. But I can understand yours... if you don't want to die then... live with me." He says with a small smirk.

This sent chills down the young woman's spine. 'Live with him'? No. No way in hell. The only man she'd ever live with is...

"No." Skye mutters, finally turning around. "The only person I'd ever want to live with, is the man that truly understands me, the man I truly love." She held the shard up to him, to show she wasn't afraid, though it wasn't much, she needed to show him, she would never back down.

He was surprised, then that surprise turned into a smirk. "You stupid girl. You stupid little bitch!-" just as he was about to shoot her, his chest got cut.

Skye was surprised, but also extremely happy, she knew who it was.


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