Chapter 22

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"What do you need this time?" Jax asked, walking into the church. "I was busy, so this better be important."

"Jax... I'm afraid this is very important and "awful" news as you'd probably put it." The priest said.

"Awful how...?" Jax asked.

"Daniel... according to the people that checked, his body was gone."

Jax froze, this was just like last time. Shit, he should've checked for any type of safety wear! Learn from your mistakes, dammit!

"Y-You're kidding me, right?!" Jax asked. "Are you sure?! Maybe they lied! Or the police got their before them?!" There was a desperate tone in his voice. Danny can't be alive.

"I'm afraid not. They have no reason to lie to me and it would've already been on the news if the police got there."The priest explains.

"That means..." Oh no. Skye went to pick Eliza up at her friend's house. She was out in the open, vulnerable for the doctor to kidnap, or even kill right there...

"Dammit!" Jax shouts. "Listen old man, we're not done talking! But I have something important to do right now!"

'Fuck, I'm such a damn idiot! Fuck! How didn't I see this coming?!' Jax was asking himself these questions as he ran out of the church and into the town to try and find Skye.


"Jax, are you okay? When you came to get us you looked panicked and you still have that same expression." Jax, Skye and Eliza were at the station, after Jax found Skye and Eliza, who were perfectly safe, unlike Jax had thought.

"Yeah, you even embarrassed me in front of my friend, what the hell was so important that you had to do that?" Eliza asked.

Jax sighed as the train approached. "Look, I'll explain it once we get back to the apartment." He then stepped on the train with the two girls. "For now... I'm just glad you both are safe."

"Yeah, of course we are... why wouldn't we be?" Skye asked, sitting down next to Jax, Eliza followed suit, sitting next to her sister.

"That's part of what I'm going to explain." Jax muttered. He ran his hands through his hair before sighing and placing his hands on his thighs.

Skye noticed his hands were a bit shaky. 'Whatever he wants to tell us it most likely isn't good... I've never seen him this panicked... I wish I could help him...'

Skye sighed and placed a hand on one of his shaky ones. For now, this is all she could do to help, she just needed to calm him.

Jax was surprised by the softness and the warmth that rested on his skin. He looked the girl in the eyes and she smiled at him.

There was a flicker in her eyes, and Skye hoped he was able to read it without having to say anything.

She wanted him to rely on her.

Jax simply smiled back at her, he understood. Yeah, he definitely did. That somehow calmed him down. This warmth he feels, the smile she showed him and knowing that she was there for him, that calmed him down.

He let out a sigh of relief. He really needed all of that. This girl, no, this young woman, was the light of his life, something that he needed. Without her, he'd still be a mess on the streets, no matter what life he was living. No matter what she was his precious friend- actually... friend seemed like an understatement, but he doesn't know what to call her... so for now he'll just call her something precious to him.

"Hey Jax..." Skye mutters.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"No... nothing's wrong... just..." She leaned in and Jax felt something soft rest against his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered into his ear before leaning away.

Jax didn't know how to respond, so instead he just sat there quietly, his face burning red, as he tried to figure out what the hell just happened.


"Feels good to be back again." Jax muttered with a relieved sigh, before lazily sitting himself on the couch.

Meanwhile Skye and Eliza just looked at him, like they were expecting something. "What...?" Jax asked.

"Don't you need to explain why you were so panicked when you came to get us?" Skye asked.

"Ah... right..." Jax had an expression on his face that was hard to read. It was a mix between irritated and 'oh god please don't make me say this. This is gonna make things worse'

"Well?" Skye says.

"You see... the priest called me this morning... he said he needed to tell me something. So, as usual I went to the church. I did my usual bicker and asked what he wanted... then he told me..." Jax hesitated... but he needs to tell them. They need to know and be alert. "Danny's alive."

Skye's eyes widened. "N-No way... that can't be correct right? You killed him..." She then remembered the first time Jax- well Zack- had killed Danny. That's right. He wore protective gear.

Meanwhile, Eliza just had a confused look on her face. "Who is Danny...?" She asked.

Both the other female and male looked at the 10 year old girl. That's right... she doesn't know.

Jax just sighed and pat the girl on the head. "We can't explain it all right now-"

"No. I'm done feeling left out and not understanding. You both said you'd explain and neither of you ever did. I want to know how you both know each other. And I mean before all this." Eliza says. "What happened? Who is the Zack and Ray you both sometimes mention? And who is Danny?"

Both of the young adults sighed. She was right... they need to explain at some point... well the door was locked, and nothing suspicious happened on the way here... now was probably the only chance they're going to get to explain.

"Eliza... do you know the term, reincarnation?" Skye asked her younger sister.

"Yeah? It's when after you die, you're born again. But in a different body." Eliza says.

"That's right. And do you know about the Isaac Foster - Rachel Gardner case?" Skye asked.

"Umm... I remember seeing something on it... you were always interested in it when we were younger.

'I was?' Skye thought. No. Don't focus on that. "Yeah... well... put two and two together."

Eliza seemed confused, then her expression changed to understand it, then her expression changed to shock. "You're Rachel Gardner. Which means, Jax is..."

"Yup. I'm the infamous serial killer, Isaac Foster. Pretty scary huh?"

'You're scary for a lot of other reasons...' Eliza thought. "Well... I guess I could see it, considering you have that large scythe in that extra room... but, hold on that means you killed Rachel... you killed Skye?!"

"Well... actually I asked him too." Skye explains.

"Huh?" Eliza asked.

"Yeah, she kept asking me to kill her. It was really weird, especially since she had that dead-eyed stare. Which you still have, actually..." Jax says, looking at Skye. He then mentally compared Rachel to Skye. They were practically the same. Skye is just a matured version.

'Dead-eyes...' Eliza thought. "Hey... is it a possibility that... Dr. Morgan... is Danny?"

Jax sighs. "Yup, hit it right on the dot. The creep, even in this life, is still obsessed with your sister's eyes."

"That means. Dr. Morgan is..." Eliza lightly grabbed at her throat. "He's going to kill us..."

Jax stood up and patted her head. "Listen up brat, I'm not gonna let that happen. I promise. And remember..."

"I/You don't like liars." All three of them repeated.

"Ugh, both of you are so weird." Jax shivered which caused both girls to laugh.

Skye had stopped laughing though when she heard something beep.

"Do you guys hear that...?"

Just then an explosion like sound was heard from the other room, causing all three people to jump and fire started to pour out into the main room.

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