Chapter 4

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"Dammit where were you?! Why do you keep leaving this family?! Is it just for some whores?!" An older blonde woman yelled.

Skye and Eliza had just gotten back from school and they noticed their parents arguing so they snuck into Skye's room.

"Skye... I'm scared..." Eliza whispers. "I don't want our family to break up, I don't want mom and dad to keep fighting..."

"It will be alright... Don't worry." Skye said, placing a hand on one of her sister's shaking ones. Skye was not only trying to reassure her sister but herself as well.

"Will they hurt us too?" Eliza asked Skye.

A older blonde slapping a girl across the face. Skye jumped a bit and gasped, it seemed almost like a memory... but it wasn't, right?

"Skye? Are you okay?" Eliza asked, taking notice that her sister had started shaking a little as well.

Skye took a deep breath and gave Eliza a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry... and I'm sure they won't hurt us... If they do I'll protect you."

"Yeah, I know..." Eliza whispers, Skye was feeling really heartbroken at how Eliza was acting, she's usually more cheery and sometimes rude, but never like this...

An idea then popped into her head. "Hey, want to sneak out?" The older blonde asked.

"Eh? How? Mom and dad will hear us if we go downstairs." The younger sister says.

"I never said we were going to use the door." Skye said, opening her window.

"Umm I hope you realize our rooms are on the second floor... we'll die if we jump." Eliza said.

"You didn't even let me say how we'll get down, you know I don't want to commit suicide, that's why we're not jumping directly down." Skye says. "You see the tree right there? That's our way down."

"But what if it's not sturdy enough or one of us can't jump far enough?" Eliza asked.

"It'll be okay, it's like jumping from off a swing, we'll make it. But you need to stay quiet." Skye says, grabbing a small black bag and putting the strap on her shoulder. "Let's go."

Without a second thought Skye had jumped to the sturdiest branch that was closest to her room. It didn't seem to break under her weight, then again she was pretty light for 16 year old. "Okay, you're good." She told her sister.

Eliza hesitated for a moment before also jumping onto the tree, her sister grabbed her arm to keep her from falling.


After a few moments the girls had managed to make it down without falling.

"We actually didn't die..." Eliza said, a bit surprised.

"That's why you should have a bit of faith in me." Skye said and smirked.

Eliza had taken note on her sister's recent pride. "You've been seeming more confident these past few days... is something going on?" She asked.

"Huh? I have?" Skye seemed a bit surprised herself... maybe the reason behind it was Jax... he was a pretty confident man, he practically spoke what was on his mind... maybe he was rubbing off on her, but that's the first time someone ever has, and it was someone she only recently met. Skye had smiled and chuckled a bit at the thought.

Eliza raised an eyebrow at her older sister's strange behavior, sure she was young but she was smart for her age, she understood when things became a bit different. "Why are you chuckling...? And acting weird... Do you actually have a boyfriend, and he's making you become more confident." The younger blonde guessed.

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