Chapter 9

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It's now been about half a year since Jax and Skye had made that promise and entrusted their lives to one another, and ever since then they've become a lot closer.

Although Skye's parents have been fighting more and each time the fighting seemed to get out of hand or she got harmed she'd sneak off to Jax's place and stay for the night. Sometimes on the weekends she'd stay for two.

Her parents were too busy with their arguments to notice their older daughter missing anyways.

Eliza however, noticed each time she snuck off, Skye always said it was because of a friend, but the younger sister always believed something more was going on.

And the appointments with Dr. Morgan unfortunately (Eliza's wording) had changed from once a month, to twice a month. But just like he did at first he'd ask his questions, the girl's would lie and the man would leave... then there were some months where Dr. Morgan would come over and talk about himself to help the girls feel comfortable, although they got a bit strange when he'd talk about Skye's eyes. Each time he came over Eliza felt sick, she obviously hated the man, and he secretly hated her. Skye was too oblivious to notice though, but she did feel a strange aura about him, but she just assumed it's because she didn't know him too well.

Speaking of which, one of the appointments had just finished and of course, Skye snuck out of the house and is with Jax again, and they're just sitting in the apartment watching whatever stupid thing is on tv.

"Hey... Skye..." Jax mumbled, he was lazily on the couch while she laid on the floor.

"Yeah... what's up?" She asked.

"Isn't tomorrow your birthday?" He asked, she sat up a bit quickly.


"What are you, dumb? You told me it a few months ago, remember?"

"Hey Jax, random question... when's your birthday?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Just curious..."

"Well it's July 24th, ya happy?"


"Good... so when's yours?"

"Huh? Oh... mine's the 10th of June."

"Oh. Alright..."

"Oh... yeah, that's right. I forgot. There's just been a lot going on lately." She says with a small laugh.

Jax flicked her forehead. "You're really forgetful you know that?" He says.

"Yup, you tell me that a lot." She replies, rubbing the spot he flicked.

"So you planning to do anything with your family?" He asked.

"I don't think so... why?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jax turned his head away, blushing a bit from his answer. "Because I was planning on going around town with you. We could go anywhere you want..." He mumbled.

Skye smiles a bit at what he said, she knows he doesn't like to seem soft and that's why he's so embarrassed, but she likes this side of him. This side of him is sweet and kind of cute... 'Wait no! Stop thinking like that, idiot! You don't have a crush on him because he doesn't like you like that and you shouldn't either!' She thought to herself.

Skye stood up. "Hey, I'm going to leave. See you tomorrow." She says, heading to the door.

Jax grumbled something inaudible to hear.

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