Crazy Fangirls

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"When is this line gonna end?" Teddy whispered into Josh's ear. Josh hid his smirk and shrugged. "Get used to it buddy." Teddy sighed. Family Force 5 were signing a seemingly endless line of fan possessions and art.

When the line finally subsided, they all headed back to their bus all wishing for a good nights sleep.

"Hey guys," Nate said. "Im gonna stay up a bit so I'm gonna go get some coffee. Is that alright with y'all?"

"Sure," came the reply.

"Wait, can i come?" asked Teddy. Nate nodded and they headed off for the Starbucks a few blocks away. After about 5 minutes of walking, Teddy stopped and said, "Would they even be open at this late at night? Its almost 11:00."

Nate shrugged and pointed to the glowing windows of the Starbucks across the street.



The door rang as they walked through it and a girl with blonde pigtails and glasses popped up from under the counter.

"Hi!" she said in an overenthusiastic southern voice. "How can i help y'all?"

"Uh hi. May i ask why y'all are open so late tonight?" said Nate, walking up to the counter. No one else was in the building.

"Oh well we are always open this late these days. With the annual Christmas special," she grinned as if this was perfect normal.

"Christmas special? Never heard of that before..." said Teddy. The girl looked at Teddy.

"Well aren't you cute dear. Its a new thing we started.... Hold on a second.... Y'all look familiar. Do i know y'all?" Nate and Teddy looked at each other, totally lost.

"OH YEAH!" The girl screamed. "Y'all are from the band Family Force 5, aren't you. Thats so cool! Here come with me. I want to show y'all something." She giggled like a mad person as she led them into the back of the store. It was completely empty of workers which added to the increasingly creepy situation. She led them through a heavy wooden door and dug through some small boxes, presumably looking for something.

"Ah ha. Here it is." She straightened up and turned around. In her hands was a small can of coffee beans. "These are special beans. Almost magical, you could say." She giggled madly again. "I saved them just for you."

"Saved? Did you know we were gonna play tonight?" asked Teddy

"I think everyone did hon," She said. "my name is Molly, by the way. I know i don't have my name tag on but cut me some slack. that thing gets annoying sometimes. Anyway, follow me." She ran off again. the two men sighed and ran after her.


so do y'all like it? I'm pretty on board with this story and probably will finish it unlike most of my handwritten ones. plz tell me your thoughts :) more will come, i promise. and the chapters will be longer.

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