New Discoveries

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Derek didn't know what was happening. One moment, they were flying calmly through the air on the wings of giant eagles, the next, a huge Draygon comes out of nowhere and smacks Teddy out of the sky. Now they were actually fighting the thing but with Curro constantly screaming in his head 'look out for that claw!' or 'is this how humans fight? Lame' and 'come on man. You can do better than that', it was kinda hard to concentrate.

Derek's eagle barely dodged another attack from the beast when suddenly, a whirl of blue and white feathers swooped past them.

"What the heck?" Derek exclaimed in shock as he spat out a blue feather from his mouth. 

"That, my friend, was your friend. What was his name again? Theodor? Ted? Thaddeus?" spoke the cat in his mind.

"Teddy?" Derek gasped in shock and stared upward to were his band mate was now shooting blue blasts at the Draygon who roared in rage.

"Yeah thats it. Teddy. Like the bear." 

"Since when could he do that?" Derek asked in disbelief, almost forgetting to hold on for dear life as the eagle spiraled downward to avoid another attack.

"Since he almost fell to his death, just like you." Derek could practically feel the smugness in the felines voice. He was inside of his after all. "Now listen here, bud. You wanna be cool like him? Well listen to me. All you have to do is let me take control. Simple as that."

"What are you going to do? Jump me off of this bird to my death?" Derek questioned. He still didn't trust the cat completely.

"What? Heck no. That would be the end of me too, you know. If you die, I die. If I die, you still live, which I find very unfair. All I'm going to do is... Take over for a while, all right?"

Derek sighed but finally consented. "Fine. Do what you want." Derek didn't like the way he could feel the cheetah's excitement, but before he could change his mind, the world went black.


Was this what it was like to be possessed?

Derek found himself standing in a pitch black room (at least he thought it was a room) with two, large, grey, horizontal, ovals in front of him. Suddenly, a spotlight shown out of nowhere and cast a light in front of him onto his Spirit, Curro. The two stared at each other for at least five minutes. Finally, Derek broke the silence.

"Aren't you supposed to be controlling me? And where am I? Am I in my body at all? How did-"

"Hold up, hold up. Enough question, your giving me a headache." spoke the cheetah but it wasn't in his head, the cheetah was actually speaking from its mouth. Curro put a paw to his head for emphasis. "Look, you want answers? Your gonna get them just don't get your tail in a knot."

And with that, the cat disappeared and the two ovals flickered on. Derek was amazed to find out that he was actually inside his own head. The two ovals were his eyes. Derek didn't know if he should be concerned about the lack of, well, anything inside the area so he decided not to think about it.

He took a few steps forward and realized he was watching the battle from inside his own body. He could clearly see the others fighting the Draygon but was surprised to see that there was no eagle under him anymore.

"Relax kid. I'm in control now." Derek ignored the cheetah in his head and continued to watch the fight. 

He gasped when he saw what Teddy had become. He had only seem a glimpse when he flew past him before but now he could see the whole picture. 

Teddy, in fact, had wings. Blue and white feathers jutted out from his shoulders and expanded about ten feet across. He also had a blueish tint to his skin. Small claws grew from his nails but were so small, Derek doubted he would be using them in any fights any time soon. His hair was blue now as well which made his ridiculous hair do even more funny looking. He wondered if Teddy was inside his own head as well because it was pretty obvious that he had given up control to Luna after the fall. He also wondered if he knew what he looked like. Derek sure didn't.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me." Derek jumped at the voice. He had forgotten that he still had a cheetah in his head. "Here's what you look like, if ya wanna know."

Another spotlight popped on and a transparent version of himself stepped forward. Derek's mouth fell open. He was green. Literally. Even his hair. He was covered in green fur and spots like a cheetah. He had no wings, which disappointed him a little, but he did have wickedly sharp looking teeth in his mouth and claws on his hands. Now these you could fight with. His eyes were now two different colors. One golden, like a cheetah, the other blue, just like his.

"And, as a special feature," A short brick wall rolled up behind the transparent Derek and the he disappeared. "Ta da! Camouflage. What do ya think?" 

The wall and the hologram flickered out of sight. Derek was speechless as he continued to stare at the spot the two things once stood. "I... I don't know what to say." The cat laughed. 

"No need, sir. I can feel every emotion, hear every though, and-"

"Thats great," Derek interrupted. "But what about that?" He pointed out the two eyes to where the Draygon now lay in defeat.

"Oh. Well. That's convenient." 

"Wait. Weren't you fighting that thing? Wouldn't you know if it was dead?" Derek asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you see, I can be in two places at once. One of me was fighting, the other was talking to you. Its like texting and driving. One eye on the road and the other on the phone."

Derek waved his hands in dismissal. He didn't want to know how or why a cheetah knew what driving, much less texting, was. All he wanted was to be back in control of his own body again.

"Uh, Curro... Do you mind..." the cat sighed but grumbled his agreement and Derek once again, found himself standing with his friends on the ground near the defeated Draygon in control of his own body. Teddy was back to normal but the others didn't seem surprised by the change at all. Either they hadn't seen them or their own Spirits had told them whats up. Derek suspected the second.

After a moment of silence, Teddy spoke. "Well," he said, clapping his hands together. "does anyone want to tell me what just happened?"


oh snap! A new chapter!

more is on its way so see y'all in the next chapter! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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