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Teddy had been sitting outside the door with the others when Molly came busting out the door and running down the stairs yelling.

"What the heck just happened?" Nate asked as Jake and Josh came running out the room after her.

"I don't really know but it has something to do with getting out of here." said Jake.

"Little Jakey had another dream again." Josh said glaring at his brother.

"What did I do? I can't control my dreams genius." Jake glared back.

"Guys! Lets calm down and help Molly-" suddenly a shriek was heard above them and a huge flock of birds almost decapitated Teddy who was standing right next to the balcony overlooking the main entryway.

"AH!" he screamed, the birds barely missing his head. "Whats going on?"

"I think she's evacuating the Domus." Jake said in awe. Sure enough, it seemed like all the supernatural animals that they had seen while spending their limited amount of time here were all scrambling to escape through the huge entry doors.

"Come on. Maybe we can help." said Teddy and he leaped up onto Lupa's back and flew down through the chaos towards Molly who was in the middle of it all. The rest, unfortunately, had to make their way carefully down the twisting stairway, trying not to get trampled in the process.Once at the bottom, they all gathered around Molly.

"What do we do, captain?" Jake asked in a slightly joking manner but there was a hint of fear in his voice.

"Just give me a minute..." she said and jumped to catch a small, blue finch that had been knocked out of the air by a huge red stork the size of a small car.

"It hurt." said Derek as Molly maneuvered her way back to them. She nodded and tucked the little bird onto her shoulder where it chirped in thanks.

"Anyway, what's happening?" Nate asked. The others looked at Molly with questioning looks as well.

"Lets get outside so we don't get trampled and I'll tell you." they made their way carefully outside, Teddy riding on Lupa who occasionally growled at another animal who got to close, and Josh riding on Fortis.

Once they had gotten to a safe corner away from the chaos and watching the show, Molly turned to them.

"Twenty years ago, a titan named Malum was born. We are not sure how he was created but its not good. Malum is pure evil and will do anything to get what he wants. And what he wants right now, is apparently to get his hands on you all. Im not sure why and all I can do now is protect you from him."

"What about the other animals?" Derek asked and pointed to the thinning mass of creatures. Most had escaped into the forest and the thunder was fading.

"I have sent them to a specific special place where they might be safe. I only say 'might' because I don't know if Malum knows about it. We can only hope that he doesn't. We must go with them. Its called the Abditus."

"Everything has such funky names here." said Teddy. Molly said nothing, only turning around a whistling louder than thought possible. FF5 did their best to block out the noise and so did their Spirits and thankfully Molly didn't do it for long. Suddenly, four huge eagles came souring towards them and landed in front of them, bowing to Molly.

"Nate, Josh, Jake, and Derek, get on." she instructed. They complied and Josh asked, "What about our Spirits? Surely these eagles are faster than Fortis, no offense buddy." Fortis just shook his head and laughed silently.

"Right. About that, that was a part of training that I was going to show you, but this catastrophe got in the way. Just say veni and your Spirits will be absorbed into your body, giving you some of their strength and helping you with hard decisions that are sure to come. Oh, and Teddy, you might have to practice later because it would be easier if you flew on Lupa."

They all, except Teddy, of course, did this and were amazed as each of their Spirits dissolved into a glowing silver mist and absorbed into their bodies. Each felt a surge of courage and strength inside them that they had never had before.

"What about you?" Teddy asked, turning to Molly. Molly gave him a pitiful look. "Im staying to protect the Domus." Teddy's eyebrows rose.

"What? No. You can't, come with us. If this Malum guy is coming, You won't survive." Teddy was on the verge of tears. Even though he hadn't been with this girl for long, he still felt a connection to her that he had never felt before.

"Its ok, Teddy. Ill come back. I always do. Nothing can really kill me. Ill always come back, one way or another." this statement didn't comfort Teddy one bit but he decided to do what she had told him.

"See you on the flip side." he said and took off with a small smile at Molly. The eagles took off after Lupa who barked an order and started flying faster. Teddy looked back to wave goodbye but Molly had vanished.


oh gosh i have so much planned for this story XP

see y'all in the next chapter!

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