What Was in That Drink?

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"There," Molly said as she placed two steaming cups of coffee and a check on their table and walked away.

Nate took a sip of his drink and made a face. "What flavor did Molly say this was again?"

"Uh, I think she said it was raspberry or something." Teddy replied, taking a sip of his also. He spluttered a little at the taste but swallowed it regretfully when he caught a glimpse of a blonde pigtail peeking out from behind the counter.

"Thats not raspberry," he whispered to Nate who nodded.

"Think we should take it to go?"

"Yeah," they both stood up after Nate singed the check and Nate called," Hey Molly." Said girl popped up almost instantly. "We are gonna head out now. thanks for the.... Coffee."

Molly smiled and walked around the counter to the other side and stood infant of them. "It was nice meeting y'all and talking, but i have one more request." both men looked at her expectantly, thinking she was going to ask for a picture or something.

Suddenly Molly's face turned expressionless. Her voice was strange when she spoke, "Dormio."

Both mens worlds went black.


Josh sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. He was regretting staying up to wait for Nate and Teddy while the others went to bed. They could still get a head start to the next venue if they left within the next hour or so but it had to be soon.

Josh glanced at his watch and sighed again.

12:45 a.m.

Josh then decided to go and get them himself. As he walked out of the bus, he was hit by a strong blast of cold wind. A few drops of freezing rain then joined soon after. This was going to be a long night.


The soft jingle of a bell rang out into the silence of the still open Starbucks when Josh entered. Weird, he thought. what store would be open this late at night?

"Hello?" he called out. No answer. "Huh."

Josh walked around a bit looking for his band mates when he heard a crash from somewhere in the back of the cafe. Walking over, he saw that a bunch of pots and pans had been knocked over. Josh looked around but saw nobody. This creeped him out a bit.

Suddenly, Josh felt a cold hand on his shoulder and a hissing voice spoke in his ear.

"Hello, Josh."


hehehe i know I'm evil. 2 cliffhangers in one chapter. get used to it y'all XD. sorry this was kinda a short chapter. i was being bugged by my bro the whole time so i couldn't write correctly. :P

next chap should be up soon. Goodnight and thx for reading :)

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