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After Teddy had passed out, Romire had come out of nowhere and picked him up and raced off, carrying him on her back.

"Uh... Was that normal?" Jake asked.

"Yes. Romire will be taking him to the Domus. Our home. We will meet them there later. Now, Jake since you are so inclined to speak, why don't you come forward and we will see what you can do."

Jake gulped but did as he was told and walked forward.

"I don't even think i have powers." Jake blurted. Molly raised an eyebrow.

"And why's that?"

"Well i haven't noticed anything different or supernatural about me."

"Really? No random sparks? No sudden urges? No strange dreams? Nothing?"

"Well.... I sometimes have... weird dreams."

"Like what?"

Jake shuffled a little and was about to speak when Josh spoke up behind him.

"Jake was telling us this morning about a dream he had. But the weird thing was, it was exactly what happened to me the previous night. Well, at least the first part was until..."

"Jake knew we were going to get hit by that... something." interrupted Nate with a quizzical look. Molly raised an eyebrow.

"You have confirmed my suspicions. Jake, your are a Visionist. From the planet Visum."

"Really? Are you sure?" Jake wasn't convinced. He hadn't really felt that much when they had gotten hit. He didn't even feel like he had control over his body. He had just heard himself shout and then everything went black.

"Yes." Molly nodded.

Jake sighed. "I knew you were going to say that."

"See?" Molly said a hint of a smile on her face. "What did i tell you?" Jake just rolled his eyes.

"Wasn't as cool as Teddy's though." he pouted.


yup.... i know.... its a filler..... *sigh*..... yup.... see y'all in the next chapter, i guess...:/

Nate next!

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