Unknown Forces

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Jake woke with a jolt and bumped his head into the ceiling of his bunk in the Family Force 5 bus.

"Ow." he said as he rubbed his head and grimaced at the slowly forming lump. Jake looked at his phone and saw the time was 9:31 and sighed. To late to go back to sleep. "Might as well get up now." he said to himself.

Jake climbed out of his bunk and walked onto the front lounge of the bus. They were still driving and wouldn't be at the next venue until about 1.

Jake groaned at the long hours ahead and sat down next to Derek who was on his phone on the couch.

"Hey." said Derek, looking up from his phone. There were a few seconds of silence but Derek wouldn't look away form Jake and he started to feel uncomfortable.

"So.... whatcha doing?" Jake asked.

"Sorry." said Derek. "Is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem a little... off." replied Derek. Jake blinked. "Oh? Hows that?"

"Well for one thing, you woke up late. And two, I can tell. Did you have a nightmare or something?"

Jake shook his head. "No. I did have a dream though." Derek sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Then what was that dream?"

Jake sighed and was about to start telling Derek about the dream when Nate, Teddy, and Josh walked in.

"Perfect. We are all here. Now Jake can tell us all about his dream." said Derek cheerily.

"What dream?" asked Josh.

"If y'all would let me speak I could tell you." said Jake exasperatedly. "Ok. Thank you. Anyway, I dreamed about going to a Starbucks and looking for someone. It was raining and windy." Josh raised an eyebrow. "I walked into the Starbucks and no one was there. It was completely deserted. Then someone put there hand on my shoulder and then..... GET DOWN!" Jake screamed.

Suddenly a force slammed into the back of the bus, sending it flying off the freeway.


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