Trouble In Paridise

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Jake was walking through another peaceful forest when he heard a twig snap behind him. Jake whirled around but nothing was there. Jake laughed nervously.

"Alright, Paellego. Come on out, I know your there." he got no reply. It was as quiet as if the forest was holding its breath. "Ok this is weird."

Another twig snapped and this time in front of Jake. He turned around. Standing before him was a huge figure in black. None of its features were noticeable except that it was a manlike figure.

Jake was scared out of his mind as the man took a step forward. Right as his foot touched the ground, the forest around him exploded in flames. Heat burned Jake's face and he screamed, turning around to run. The flames chased after him through the forest. Inhuman screams pierced the air and the ash clogged his lungs.

Jake coughed but he still couldn't breathe. Jake dropped to his knees, still coughing. The heat was almost unbearable and suddenly, Jake felt a dark presence behind him.

"Jacob Olds." the figure laughed. Jake turned around and screamed, trying his best to get away but unable to move. "its a pleasure to meet you again. Long time, no see. Come with me and wake up!" Jake was startled when the figures voiced changed into a voice he could almost recognize.

"Jacob, you need to-wake up!-come with me. All you have to do is WAKE UP!" Jake woke from his nightmare gasping for air and coughing. Josh was shaking his shoulders with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh thank God. You were having a nightmare, weren't you." sighed Josh, leaning back. The others were standing behind him along with their Spirits, looking worried. Jake nodded. Paellego jumped onto his bed and curled around his neck, purring and whimpering.

Molly at the others to leave but Josh wouldn't budge.

"Im not leaving my brother." he glared at her as if she had done the worst thing in the world.

"Very well. Stay if you wish. Now Jake," she sat down on his bed. "Tell us what you were dreaming about. It must have been a vision because you making quite a racket."

Jake shifted into a more comfortable position and cleared his throat. "Well... It wasn't that bad, I mean, I guess it was scary..." Jake trailed off, not meeting their eyes.

"Jake, you need to tell us, we can help you. You need to learn how to contain your power so you don't go insane. Now tell me."

Jake swallowed before he told another account of his dream. After he was done, Molly looked panicked.

"Did you recognize this man?" she asked. Jake shook his head no. "Never seen him before in my life. But the forest did look a little familiar..."

Molly suddenly stood up, tears brimming her eyes. "I knew this day would come. Get dressed and follow me. We need to get out of here, fast."


uh oh.... ;P

see y'all in the next chapter! :)

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