The Domus

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Josh was shocked. Not because of the size of the Domus, but the mass of animals in it. but it wasn't just the animals, no. It was how they looked. Josh swore he saw a flying, pink squirrel.

"This, my friends, is the Domus." said Molly as she walked through the sliding, wooded doors and into the main entrance hall. It seemed even bigger inside than it did on the outside. A massive spiraling staircase wrapped around a thick wooded pillar the size of a giant oak. Thats probably what the Domus was centered on. It acted as the spine for the structure. The staircase went about 20 floors up to the roof and touched each floor.

"Whoa." said Josh. Suddenly, a huge brown bear with white circles around its eyes and white paws came lumbering up to Josh and sniffed him. Josh froze.

"Its ok." said Molly as she walked up to them. "This is Fortis. He won't harm you. He's actually pretty sweet." as if on cue, Fortis stuck out his tongue and licked Josh across his face. Derek burst out laughing, tears running down his face.

Josh wiped his face on his shirt and tried not to laugh as well. But then Molly started giggling and then it was an all out laugh party. Romire walked over to them and nuzzled Fortis and growled in greeting. Romire then turned to Molly.

"Come, Mistress. They are waiting. And i think they have found their Spirits."

Molly nodded in understanding. "Come along fellows. Fortis, you can come if you wish." and with that, Molly turned and jumped up onto Romire's back. Romire started walking up the stares.

Fortis nudged Josh. "Would it be permitted for me to carry you?" he asked in Josh's mind. His voice was deep and soothing, like honey.

Josh nodded and Suddenly found himself rising from the ground and onto the huge bear's back.

"Uh." Josh looked down and saw Derek looking up at him. "Can Derek ride too? I don't think he wants to climb those stairs on foot."

"Curro will do that." Josh was confused, but then, a larger then average cheetah came sprinting up to Derek and pounced on him. Derek shrieked in surprise. Josh wondered why all the animals were so large here. And different colors.

This cheetah was a forest green with lighter splotches of green for the pattern of spots on its back.

Derek was shaking in fear as the cheetah stared down at him, standing on his chest.

"Are you two coming or not?" Molly yelled from somewhere above them. Fortis called back up to her with a roar of affirmation.

"Come along." said Fortis and started lumbering up the stairs. Josh heard another yelp behind him and turned to see Derek holding onto the green cheetah's back for dear life as he raced up the stairs after them.

"That's Curro. He's a goof ball. Ignore him." Fortis said in all of their heads. Curro's ears flattened in offense and he trotted ahead with Derek hanging on tighter. "Don't drop him please Curro. Remember, you are the size on a small horse and a fall from your back would hurt."

The cat snorted but slowed a bit. Finally, they got to the 12th floor and saw Molly waiting for them with Romire, looking board.

"Took you long enough. I see you found your Spirits already. Im not surprised, really. Come along, your friends are waiting for you. Teddy has woken up and i think they have found their Spirits as well. The Spirits are your animals. Josh's is Fortis and Derek's is Curro. Now, lets go." and they walked through another set of sliding doors into a large room with small cots all scattered around.

This must be the infirmary, thought Josh.

"That it is." said Fortis. Josh had gotten used to him in his head surprisingly fast. "And there is your friend." said the bear and pointed with a paw across the room to Jake and Teddy sitting in a corner.


there ya go. finally a longer chapter. anyway, see ya in the next chapter! :)

Supernatural (A Family Force 5 fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora