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After Molly had introduced them all to Boron and Romire, she led them to another part of the Garden that was extremely wide and flat.

"This is the Training Field where I will be training you, hence the name, and showing y'all how to used your powers properly. Teddy, your going first so come here." Molly gestured for him to step forward. "Your powers will be slightly hard to control and will most likely react to your emotions. It is key for one of your kind to keep their feelings bottled up inside and never let them out, understand?"

Teddy nodded but was a little confused. "What do you mean by 'my kind'?"

"You come from a people called the Energons. They were once a very powerful people but got wiped out by a plague. Some did survive, however, and are being tested on. These tests are crude and inhumane but i am sorry to tell you that we have no control over what happens." (This is a story for another time *wink, wink*)

Teddy was a little shaken by the news but nodded his head in understanding.

"Good." Molly nodded her head in approval. "Romier will train you all in the art of self defense and teach you how to hold your own in a fight. But that is a later lesson. For now we will hear what you know about your power."

"Well, I first noticed I wasn't normal when I almost killed my best friend with a purple fire ball...."


"Hey Ted! Whatcha doing?" a young boy with short, red hair and brown eyes said as he walked up to a much younger Teddy.

"Nothing." Teddy said back, irritated. "And don't call me Ted."

"Why?" the kid asked.

"I just don't like it." Teddy responded trying to hold in his anger. He had had an extremely bad day today and was not in the mood.

"Awww, does little Teddy need his mommy?" the kid laughed and made fake crying motions with his hands. Teddy's anger boiled over and he thrust his hand out to push the small boy away but instead a huge blast of purple flame shot right out of his hand and almost melted the kids face off. The redhead screamed and ran away while Teddy was frozen in fear and confusion.


"Wow, dude. I'm never calling you Ted behind your back ever again." said Jake and Teddy turned around to glared at him.

"See what I mean. You power is triggered by your emotions." Molly thought for a second before speaking again. "Summon some."

"What?" asked Teddy giving a weird look to Molly.

"I mean summon some Energy. Its not really fire."

Fear flashed across Teddy's face but his it hardened a split second later in determination. He closed his eyes and focused on lighting a his hands ablaze. After a few seconds, both Teddy's hands all the way up to his shoulders exploded in a huge blast of Energy and became incased in a wild looking fire.

"Good!" Molly yelled over the raging flames. "Now concentrate on focusing that Energy into something controlled. And be quick about it. The longer you used your power, the more it saps your energy. I'm talking to all of you."

"Specific much?" Teddy muttered but not loud enough for anyone to hear. His brow furrowed in concentration and gradually the crazy wild fire turned into a smooth, glowing, purple film covering the length of his arms, no longer looking like fire but more like a really long glove.

"Good. Very good Teddy. You can stop now. Just think of something that calms you down when you have a bad day."

Teddy took a deep breath and slowly the Energy subsided. Teddy opened his eyes to see Molly grinning at him before he passed out.


next is Jake :D

Supernatural (A Family Force 5 fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora