The Crossroads of Destiny

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Sky's POV

'I can't believe it! They left without me! Just because I've been having Braxton Hicks AKA false labour pains. It's not like it wasn't normal for woman at this stage of pregnancy to get them! It's just the body preparing and practicing for when the baby comes!' I thought to myself, pacing around our apartment in the upper ring. Zuko and Iroh left early this morning to go to the Earth King's Palace to serve him tea. They let me sleep in and left a note alone the lines of 'not wanting to wake me, just to rest for the baby/ies etc.' It was a load of poop. Just a few days ago I was sneaking into Dai Li secrete base. It was hard but I still did it.

Once I paced out the anger I felt I started to pack all the valuable things in the apartment including the wee shoes I had gotten and the other bits and pieces I had pick up on the way and wanting to take with me wherever we go next. As I thought over what I know will happen if I went with them and I am glad I am not there as there is no way I'm jumping out of a building, running for my life, or DUCKING out of the way of fire. 'Yeah that's not going to happen,' I thought to myself as I left the apartment with my bag as I looked as my now very large stomach.

I begin to make my way to the palace. Once there I looked around the palace to find a place to sit to wait for Iroh and the Gaang to come well the Gaang minus Katara. Which didn't take long. I rushed up to a surprised Iroh hugging him. "What are you doing here? Why are you not at the apartment resting?" Iroh asked after being released from my slightly awkward hug with a very pregnant stomach.

"I know something wasn't right when you and Zuko hadn't came back yet, so I came to investigate. But don't worry I came armed." I said flashing him and the Gaang my bow and arrows that I had packed with me as well along with Zuko's knife.

Aang and Sokka looked shocked at me and how huge my stomach had gotten as we hadn't seen each other in quite some time. "Hi long time no see." I said to Gaang slightly awkwardly waving at them. Toph walked in between them and punched their arms, latterly knocking some sense into them and getting onto the task that was at hand.

Toph began to feel the ground below us and found the Crystal Catacombs, "Well, what'd you know? There is an ancient city down there. But it's deep." She spoke. She made a tunnel through the ground, beginning to lead to the catacombs.

Sokka had his thinking face on, thinking of a plan before saying, "We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and Sky to look for Katara and the angry jerk," Sokka said point to Aang before remembering Iroh and I were there and placed his left hand on Iroh's right shoulder and said, "no offense."

Iroh shrugged replying, "None taken."

I slowly raised a hand and replied, "Some taken."

Sokka shrugged me off, obviously in a planning roll as he continued to speak, "And I'll go with Toph to warn the Earth King of Azula's coup."

After that we split up Momo going with Sokka and Toph.

Aang Iroh and I walking through the tunnel down to the Catacombs. Iroh was bending a small fire for light, and Aang was earthbending the way down. "So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice, and great tea!" Aang said, trying to make conversation with Iroh.

"The key to both is proper aging. What's on your mind?" Iroh asked the young bender.

Aang earthbended more rocks out of the way again before replying, "Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the Avatar State and control this great power, but to do it, I had to let go of someone I love." His faced changed from happy to sad throughout his sentence and stopped walking cause Iroh and I to stop too as he continued, "And I just couldn't."

"Perfection and power are overrated. I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love." Iroh wisely said.

Aang earthbends again before asking, "What happens if we can't save anyone and beat Azula? Without the Avatar State, what if I'm not powerful enough?"

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