Return to Omashu

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Sky's POV

We have been traveling for hour on this ostrich horse until we set up a sort of camp. We set up a small fire to keep warm. After a couple of hours of sleep, we began traveling again. Soon we set up camp again. "I'm going to try to get some food." I said to Zuko and Iroh who sat in front of the fire. Zuko made move to protest but was stopped by Iroh, "Let her go. She is our only hope of getting any food at all." Zuko sighed but nodded in agreement but stood up and walked toward me saying, "I'll come with you. I don't want anything happening to you or our baby." He placed his hands on my swollen stomach. "Then come on and you better sit still and be quite." I said sternly to him as he nodded in slight fright.

Once we got to some water, I got a big shape looking stick. "Now you sit over there and watch and learn from the master." Zuko just put his hand up in surrender and sat under a nearby tree. I laid my eyes on a big fish, aim for where it was going and throw it straight into the water. I had hit the fish which was still stuck on my stick. I pull my stick from the water and showed the fish to Zuko who looked at it astonished. "How?... What?.... But how?" Zuko looked at me shocked and questionably. "You just need to aim for where the fish is going and throw it." I said simple shrugging. "Let's get back to Iroh before he makes any more poisonous, harmful or deadly teas." I said and Zuko nodded in agreement.

We walk back to our camp to find Iroh safe and sound, just the way we left him. "We're back Iroh." I said announcing our presence. Iroh looked to ward us and was about to say something but stopped when he saw the size of the fish I had caught. "We caught dinner." Zuko said. I hit him on the stomach and asked, "WE?" Zuko looked at me then at Iroh and said, "Sky caught dinner." Iroh turn his attention from the fish to me and asked, "Well let's get this fish on the fire and eat. I'm starving." I nodded as I started to cook the fish.

We finished dinner, and all got cosy around the fire to sleep. "Do you think we will be living like this when the baby is born?" Zuko asked in a quiet whisper as the snores or Iroh heard on the other side of the fire. "No. I'm sure we while be fine." I whispered back as I snuggled into his chest. "I hope your right. I truly hope it." Zuko whispered in my ear. He whispered sweet nothing in my ear until I was fast asleep. I hoped it to.

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