Chapter 10;

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Chapter 10;

After a few short moments the car slowed down to a stop and instantly everyone opened up their doors and stepped out into the cool afternoon air.

Sliding out of the car I looked around to find that we middle of nowhere. Righteo, but hey I won't question it.

"Ready?" Dad asked coming over to my side and looked up at him a small smile playing on my lips as I nodded and slowly followed him further into the woods. I really hope everyone knows where we're going.

"Don't be nervous, they won't bite" mum said while placing an arm around my shoulders and squeezing me slightly, hey I'm not nervous!! Okay maybe a little but eghh shhh.

Breathing a laugh I just looked straight ahead until everyone came to a stop before a large group of people most seemingly older than I certainly was.

Discovering our presence they all seemed to stop what they were doing and turned towards us, some looking uncomfortable, glancing between Dad, Marcel and Josh whilst they all just smiled warmly at mum.

"Hayley" an attractive man smiled at mum and walked towards her slightly, like he was going to go in for hug but decided against it.

"Jackson" she smiled back at him before everyone fell into a sort of awkward silence but of course dad was the one to break it. "Well isn't this awkward, now let's get straight to why we're even back here." he began and I guessed that he wasn't a big fan of them, oh well seems the feeling was shared.

"Jackson I would like you to meet my daughter, Hope" she smiled, turning slightly behind her and grabbing my hand, leading me forward and into view instead of hiding behind her form.

Looking up at Jackson i met a pair of warm hazel eyes and messy brown hair that fell perfectly over his lightly tanned face.

"Its a pleasure to meet you" i said while giving him a soft smile in which he returned instantly.

"The pleasure is all mine Princess" he said while smiling and bowing down towards me which was so unusual and almost foreign to me. It seems alot of people do so when meeting me, it seems i will need to get used to it fast.

"Hayley and you both must stay, tonight we must celebrate the return of the lost princess!" he said with great enthusiasm which made me feel like some great, massive deal like i was a god or something...but it was just me.

Was my miracle birth/creation really that much of a big deal?

"i really do-" Dad began but was cut off by Mums sharp and demanding voice. "it would be our pleasure, we are after all are a complete family now" She said giving dad a harsh look before softnening it at the return to Jackson who was smiling from ear to ear.

"We will return here at precicly 5pm to commend the celebration, until then princess" Jackson said placing a soft kiss on my cheek and instantly doing the same to Hayley before she had time to react.

"And you our queen" he said his lips lingering on her cheek and it was then that everything clicked.

Jackson really was in love with her.


The time exactly i didnt know but it felt like hours. The moon was now high in the sky lighting up the world through the darkness.

The celebration has been going for a while now, after we had all left everyone continued to get dressed in suitable 'party' clothes before we returned except this time with alot more people.

The celebration truly was magical well atleast it was in my opinion especially compared to the lack of parties in general that ive ever actually experienced.

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