Chapter 12;

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Chapter 12;

I hadnt moved from the same spot for god knows how long, i was sat cross legged on the floor of my bedroom, a candle placed before me unlit aswell as the grimmore i found earlier this morning.

I decided before i tried diving into anything serious that i try little things, i mean i wasnt raised in a coven where magic and being a witch was normal and i was taught things everyday.

No. I was raised in a little house where the idea of me being a witch was ridiculous.

Closing my eyes i took a deep breath in before once again focusing all my attention on the candle before me.

Buuutt like before nothing. Not a single thing happened....nope, zero.

If i cant light a candle how am i supposed to bring two people back from the dead??!?.

With a loud groan i kicked the candle over beyond annoyed, this whole idea this whole thing was just impossible! I couldnt do it and that frustrated me.

"Hope?!" A voice called out and before i could reply my door was slowly opened to reveal mum, instantly i kicked the grimore behind me, shielding it from the eyes of others, mum didnt seem to notice though instead she had a small smile on her lips as she looked around my room.

"Finally you've added a but of light in here..i like it" she said with a smile as i frowned in confusion before pushing myself up off the ground to see what in gods name she was on about.....and then i noticed it.

All around my bedroom every candle on the shelves and on the wall were all perfectly lit, dancing across the room and my jaw instantly dropped.

"Y-yeah.....ive been trying a few new things out, so whats up mum?" I asked as i continued to stare in awe at what...I had done.

"I came to talk to you actually....your father said you seemed, odd this morning. Is everything okay?" She asked as she stepped further into my bedroom and i looked at her a genuine smile on my face.

"Everythings going to be perfect" i said and she frowned but smiled anyway.

"It will be, i love you"

"Love you too Mum" i replied as she blew me a kiss and exited my room leaving me alone once again.

As soon as the click of my door closing sounded through my ears i raced back down to reclaim the grimore from underneath my bed and instantly flicked through the pages until i was on the spell that i left bookmarked.

I could do this....i knew i could.
I know it now.

I can do this. And i will do matter what it takes.

I will take her down.

Littlest Wolf (Hope Mikaelson FanFiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now