Chapter 1;

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Chapter 1;

-Hope POV; 15yrs later-

I jolted awake in bed, heart racing, screams passing through my lips as I out of reflex felt around for something or someone to grab as a comfort. "Hope! Calm down im here, im here!" My aunty's soothing, familiar voice spoke as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I was pulled into a warm chest.

My whole body was shaking and my breath was unsteady but atleast I had stopped screaming. "shhh breath Hope" She whispered over and over in my ear whole stroking my hair as I held onto her incase if I let go i wouldnt be able to get her back.

Slowly i stopped shaking as hard and my breathing began to return to normal but I still wouldnt dare to close my eyes unless i saw it again......

"Dont leave me" I whispered my voice breaking as I dug my fingers into her shirt and instantly she held me tighter and kissed my forehead gently before returning to stroking my long dirty blonde hair. "I'll never leave you i promise" she whispered and I nodded as we fell into a comfortable silence for a while, I lost count after an hour.

After who knows how long I had finally calmed down enough to let Rebekah go. "Are you okay?" She asked me and I nodded keeping my eyes on my hands the whole time. Slowly I felt a hand reach up and push my hair behind my ears and then soft lips on my forehead before the bed dipped then returned to normal.

"Come on downstairs and I'll make you some breakfast" Aunt Bekah said and I slowly nodded, pushing myself off of the bed and onto the cold hardwood floors that covered my bedroom. Slowly, not moving my gaze from the floor I followed quietly behind Aunt Bekah and downstairs into the kitchen.

Turning on the kitchen light I flinched at the sudden brightness as I sat down on a chair around the kitchen island. "What do you want? I can make pancakes? bacon?" Aunt Bekah asked and I just shrugged my shoulders while fiddling with my thumbs nervously.

Suddenly a hand on my shoulder made me jump and flinch away from the person but I instantly relaxed as i came face to face with a concerned looking Rebekah.

"Aunt Bekah..?" I questioned quietly and she nodded motioning for me to continue which I did slowly. "What proof do you have that my parents cared about me?" I questioned finally asking the question thats been in my mind since the dreams started happening sighing Rebekah looked down at the ground before looking back up at me sadly.

"I dont have any proof you're just going to have to trust me" Rebekah said slowly and I shook my head at her. "but what if I dont. How do I know you havent just been lying to me all these years and you just took me in because no one else would" i snapped harsher than I intended to.

"Why would you even think that Hope? of....of course thats not true" She said and I shook my head at her again while giving her a harsh look. "its true isnt it? and thats why Ive never met my family and why you are so secretive when I ask about them!" I said my voice raising by the second.

"Hope!! Enough! i dont want to hear you talk like that again" She snapped at me and I took a few deep breaths in before sliding off of the chair and stood strongly in front of her. For a few moments we just starred at each other not saying a word until I pushed past her, hitting her shoulder slightly as I walked back into my bedroom to get ready for school.

Slamming my door hard behind me i walked over to my closest and opened it, my eyes scanning all of my clothes I grabbed the first shirt and pants that caught my eye and threw them onto the bed. Shutting my closest i stripped down into my bra and undies and pulled the clothes on which consisted of a grey Led Zeppelin t-shirt that I tucked into my black high waist, pleated skirt and a pair of black stockings. Once I was dressed I grabbed my floral Doc Martins and pulled them on before walking out of my bedroom and towards the main bathroom.

Turning on the light i closed the door behind me and wiped the mirror clean, cringing at my reflection. I wasnt the prettiest girl, I had dirty blonde hair that was naturally curled slightly and came down just below my shoulders, I had dark blue eyes and smooth pale skin.

Grabbing my brush I ran it through my hair, getting rid of all the knots before just leaving it out naturally. Grabbing my makeup bag I quickly put a small amount of black eyeliner and mascara. Once I was pleased with how i looked I put everything away and left the bathroom, heading downstairs but not before grabbing my phone and favourite necklace.

Walking through the house I was about to walk outside when Aunt Bekah's voice stopped me for merely a few moments. "Hope where are you going?" She yelled and I just continued to open up the door yelling "out" before slamming it shut and walking down the front porch.

Our house was a small cottage type thing with a white fence out the front, it was two storeys and was painted an baby blue on the outside chosen by Matt, Aunt Bekah's boyfriend who came to visit us a lot but wasnt able to stay.

Walking down the white porch steps I pushed open the front gate with more force than I intended making it hit the fence with a bang and instantly I cringed at the loud sound since it was still only quite early.

Closing the gate behind me, quietly this time. I turned to my left and headed down towards the end of our short and adorable street that seriously looked like it came out of a 50's movie with a modern twist....but I cant hate it since its all ive known.

Walking down the side of the road I hugged my arms around my waist as the cool morning air finally kicked in, i really should have grabbed a jacket...meh. Looking around I watched as parents hurried out of their houses hugging their large coats too the bodies as they sipped rushingly out of coffee cups.

Reaching the end of the street i turned and trotted through the forest, autumn leaves crunching under my footsteps as I walked. Walking through the forest I followed the trail of white ribbon tied to branches to lead my way. Climbing over a large pile of rocks I jumped down onto flat ground again, smiling as I had finally reached my destination.

It was a small area of healthy green grass next to a beautiful stream that finally led to a giant crystal blue waterfall. Walking towards the edge where the waterfall started I sat down, placing my legs out in front of me and closed my eyes, soaking up the little amount of sun shining through the clouds.

"You're ignoring me" A familiar male voice spoke next to me making me groan in annoyance as I just decided to pretend I didnt hear him. "Hope. I know you can hear me" He sang and I groaned again before finally opening my eyes to look at him.

"Im not ignoring you im just trying to remind myself that you're not real" I said looking straight ahead trying to just make him leave me alone. "iam real im just dead. Sorry to say this but you cant get rid of me that easily" he said and I slowly turned to look at my only friend Henrick.

Henrick was a few years younger than me being around 12. He was wearing light blue loose medieval t-shirt, light brown pants and brown leather boots. He had shoulder length brown wavy hair that matched his eyes. "You're not 'dead' your merely a figure of my imagination, how else would you be here?" I asked not actually intending for him to answer. "Uhh I dunno maybe it has something to do with the fact you're a witch and can for some reason contact the dead" He replied and I groaned, hitting the ground with my fist.

"Im not a witch!! Its impossible! you cant have a werewolf and witch gene!" I snapped at know if anyone saw me right now they'd think im crazy. "It is if you're the miracle baby!! Hope you're my big brothers daughter! if I was a figure of imagination how would I know things about Rebekah that she never told you" he snapped and we both starred at each other for a few silent moments before I spoke finally.

"Im sorry're right, you always are. Its just I want to be normal you know? I want to have a mother and father maybe even some siblings and I want to go to school and make a normal teenage life" I said quietly and Henrick gave me a half smile before moving closer towards me.

"You're a Mikaelson, you'll never be normal and the sooner you embrace that the better. Look I know you want to be normal trust me i know, do you really want to be a dead 12yr old boy stuck on the other side as he's forced to watch his siblings live their lives and his own mother and father end up being some mental physcos" He said and I couldnt help but laugh....i didnt mean to it just happened.

"One day I'll find a way to bring you back" i whispered placing my hand over his even though we couldnt feel eachother.

"I know" he replied his voice barely a whisper making me smile slightly at him.

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