Chapter 11;

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Chapter 11;

For the past month ive been the happiest in my whole life, for once everything seemed to be going great and i truly believed it would last forever.

But like most things great they have to stop at one point and im not sure if i can go back to that.


I awoke that morning with a smile on my face and like i have for the past few weeks i felt good finally which was something i could get used to since sleep used to be torture for me.

Sitting up in bed i rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the bright sunlight streaming through my curtains warming up the cold room.

"Hope!" A voice suddenly yelled from beside me making my heart stop as i jumped about a million feet in the air, a small scream passing through my lips.

Turning i saw a concerned looking Henrick which instantly brought a smile to my face, i couldnt even remember the last time i saw him.

"Henrick? Where have you been?" I asked happily but he didnt seem to feel the same.

"Hope what have you done? Ive been trying to get through to you for days, its like you're blocking the other side out" he said and for the first time ever he sounded genuinly scared.

"What are you talking about? I havent done anyt-" before i could even finish my sentence he had completely disappeared leaving me standing there alone and confused.

Shaking my head i just shook it off, they're already dead surely its nothing serious. Today will be a good day, i wont let that distract me.

Pulling on a jacket i walked out of my room and towards the main part of the house, aiming for the kitchen.

Walking in there i was greeted by dad sitting alone drinking what i assumed was scotch.

"Morning little wolf" he spoke without looking at me and it was now that i noticed how strained he looked.

"Is everythint alright?" I asked curiously and instantly he stood up and flashed me a clearly forced smile.

"Everythings fine" he said while placing a kiss on my forehead. "Just really busy" he added before exiting the room in a hurry leaving me there confused.

What the hell is going on today i swear to god.

Shaking it off i proceeded to grab myself a bowl of cereal, pouring the last remains of the milk into my bowl i grabbed my food and went to walk towards the lounge when a voice caught me off guard.

"Someones coming" it spoke, a small scream passing through my lips as i dropped the bowl, it shattering across the floor as i turned to find the room completely empty.

Within a second dad was at my side, worry clear on his face.

"What happened??" He exclaimed grbabing my shoulders and examining my body for injury. Shaking my head i forced a smile despite how fast my heart was racing.

"N-nothing just tripped" i lied and although he didnt seem totally convinced he nodded anyway.

"You need to be more careful Hope" he said and i forced a smile and nodded my head slowly. "Sorry, just one of those mornings" i replied and he just agreed silently before playfully shoving my shoulder then once again leaving me alone.

For a few moments i just stood there not moving, in complete silence.

What was going on today? Everyone was acting crazy and who the hell was coming!?.

With a sigh i forced myself down and began to pick up the broken glass shards off of the ground until something caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

Looking up i noticed a single book had fallen and layed face down open flat on the ground. With a quiet groan i stood and walked over to it.

A frown forming on my face as i noticed a small piece of paper sticking out from underneath it with rushed handwriting on it that was unfamiliar to me.

Picking up the book i held it in my arms as i pulled of the small ripped piece of paper.

'Its time.'

Was all it said which left me confused and slightly nervous as my stomach clenched.

Scrunching up the note i shoved it into my pocket while examining the pages that were before me open wide and instantly everything became clear.

'Resurrect mortuis' (Resurrect the dead) and i understood what i needed to do.

Henrick and Kol needed me before whoever this person was finally came for us, for me.

And i have a feeling i know who it might be.

Littlest Wolf (Hope Mikaelson FanFiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now