Chapter 25: Games And Consequences

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After the dancing lesson had ended, I decided to use the time I had left to learn something about being a ruler. I decided to start with the military aspects, because while basic rules of economy were more or less familiar to me, I knew completely nothing about leading an army. One would say that I didn't have to, since I had people who could think about it for me, but I really hated ignorance. It was dangerous. What if one of my men or women decided to betray me? I wouldn't even notice something was off! And they could steal from me, deceive me, use me for their own purposes if I had no way of finding out whether they were performing their duties as they should have. Stupid, clueless rulers weren't respected, and lost their crowns quite quickly and in a bloody way. But one may wonder why I preferred to learn here, than from my own people. Well, firstly: they weren't around, and secondly: how could I be sure they weren't lying to me? Here, elves had no reason to deceive me, no reason to make me believe something that wasn't true. And even if they did, there was always the possibility of asking the king himself. There, anyone could be thirsty for power. Life had taught me that everyone had a price, and all that was needed was someone willing to pay it, and I would be doomed. My kingdom would be doomed. I couldn't let that happen.

That is why I was using my free time to learn, to observe, to gain experience.

This time Feren wasn't so surprised to see me. He was discussing something with Tauriel when I came in, and the female elf smiled at me and bowed. Reassured by the warm welcome I decided to find out how she was. She lied to me politely that she was fine and happy, although everything in her screamed otherwise, and I pretended to believe her.

Next few hours I spent watching a map and listening to elf's explanations. We went through some basic strategies, and I heard some of the "when" and "why". At the end I felt so smart and experienced, that I nearly forgot there were a few more elves to visit.

Economy wasn't nearly as fascinating, especially since elves ate almost only plants, and at home I had to deal with meat, milk and cheese supply. Elf's explanations were boring, and a few times I caught myself thinking not about the elven kingdom, but about it's ruler. A few memories had even made me blush and my tutor started feeling uncomfortable after a moment, which forced me to concentrate again. It didn't last long, however, and I decided to finish this lesson early or I would end up daydreaming about the Elvenking and his soft lips on my... Dissatisfied with myself and the tutor I went to the elf who was responsible for foreign affairs and got even more disappointed.

Elvish customs were different than human, and I ruled a human country, so all the stories about how to behave were completely useless. All that I deemed important in the end was that every time while dealing with foreigners I would have to know their customs and remember not to do things that may offend them. But this I knew already, so it was just a waste of time.

After some time of thinking I decided it would be wise to continue only the first and second classes and then observe the king while he was dealing with his subjects.

Lost in thought, walking through the corridors just to relax and have some exercise I started feeling hungry. There was still some time left to dinner, but I've missed my lunch, busy with learning and now my stomach was telling me that it wasn't the smartest idea. I wondered if I could just ask someone where the kitchen was, but then dropped the idea. It would be a lot easier to go back to my room and ask Geliriel or Miluiel for food. 

I did just that, but when I walked into my bedroom I saw both of the elvish women examining something with excitement. They jumped up, bright red, the moment I entered and blocked the view. I instantly had a really bad feeling about this.

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