Back [FLUFF] MM x Reader (n.g.)

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(hints of sexual content)

"I don't wanna talk about him".
You frown, giving your friend Sam a pissed look.
"Listen, [Y/N], I know you're annoyed-"
"I AM NOT ANNOYED". Sam looks shocked by your sudden aggression.
"Uhh. Sorry. It's... I'm just so angry. I thought we would work out..."

Just last week you and your boyfriend Brian broke up.
Well... You broke up with him. You just couldn't take it anymore. All those arguments. All those stupid situations in which you just got so fucking angry because of him. So many little things that summed up into one big problem. That's the reason.

"[Y/N]. Please, just listen to me". You sigh as your friend places a hand on your shoulder. "He is an asshole sometimes, I know. But you are too. And I say that with all respect. You are immediately pissed by so many, tiny things, without telling anone that you don't like them. How should we know? How should anyone know? Brian may be a weird guy, bit he's not weird enough to be able to read your mind. And I know you love him. And he loves you"
You look in Sam's eyes.

"Maybe you're right..." You mumble and sit down on a bench, your face in your hands.
No, it really is correct. You are still deeply in love with him. That's why you are that angry - not because of him, but because of you. You are the reason and you hate yourself for that.

"Hey! Hey, no, not like that. There's still time and a way to fix this", Sam says, taking your hand and pulling you up.
"What you need to do now..." Suddenly you have your phone in your hand. " calling him! He probably wants to call you but is afraid that you will hang up or insult him or anything."

"I can't do this Sam..."
"Yes you can! C'mon, you told him to go fuck himself. You can also tell him to come and fuck you."
You raise an eyebrow at this sentence, but your friend just shrugs and gives you a wide grin.
"What? I'm right. You two are made for each other."
A deep breath. You look at your phone, unlock it and immediately see Brian's contact.
You already thought about calling him before Sam came over to support you because of the breakup, but didn't do it.
This time you will.

You tapped on his contact, the profile picture still a selfie with you and him.
Not even five seconds into calling him he accepts the call.

His deep, raspy voice is so comforting to you.
"[Y/N], hello?"
Oh god, yeah you need to answer.
"Uhm, hey Brian..."
You swallow what feels like sandpaper. Fuck, what will you tell him? That this was a mistake and you want him back? No, that would be weird, right?

"Listen [Y/N], I-"
"No, please..." Panicking you look at Sam who's just standing there's giving you two thumbs up.
You roll your eyes. Not a big help.
"Brian I'm sorry. Sorry for... Everything. I didn't want to hurt you and make you handle all this. Handle me."

It was silent for a moment.
"Do you want to meet?"

You hesitate

"I just want to talk. Please."
Sighing you give in.
"Okay. Where?"
"Do you want to come over?"

It's silent for a moment. Should you do this? But... What would happen? You sleeping with each other? As if that would be bad.

"Yeah, give me ten minutes".

You hang up, look at Sam who's been listening all the time.

"Perfect, I'm going to drive you. Quick, wear something that looks great!!"
"I'm not going to do that. I'm gonna wear this, and..." You look down. Okay no, maybe you should change. Your baggy shirt is a bit stained, your pants look like you fished them out of a container and your hair is messed to hell.
You quickly send Brian a message.
" *30mins"
You grab a towel and run into the bathroom. A quick shower later you blow dry your hair, change into fresh clothes and spray on the perfume you know Brian likes.

"Looks like someone is ready to get their boyfriend back" Sam jokes, holds you the door open and follows you to the car.
Sitting on it, you try to think of something good to say, something that may not sound too cheesy or too straightforward...

"Hey, get out of your bubble, we're here" a few snaps of Sam's fingers wake you up from your daydreaming.
"Thanks..." You say, hug your friend and get out of the car. "See ya later... Or not. If you stay the night" with that and a devilish smile, Sam drives away.
You adjust your clothes, take a deep breath and slowly step forward. Before you can even press the bell, the door opens.
You look into Brian's face. It was pale, but this time not because of his makeup. He looks like he didn't sleep at all, dark circles under his eyes supporting this theory.

You just stare at each other, you try to find words but just can't say anything.
Even with his fucked up appearance, he is still so fucking beautiful...

"[Y/N], I-"

You don't let him finish his sentence. Pulling him down on his shirt you press your lips to his, push him into the house and close the door with your foot.

You're relieved when you feel him kiss you back, his hands wander up your sides to your face, cupping it to hold you even closer to him.

Pulling away to breathe, he rests his forehead against yours, smiling widely.
"I missed this so much..." he says before going in for another kiss, this time more intense, filled with love.

You don't even care now. It may have been only a week but that's way too long without him being yours.
You stop the kiss and look at him, thinking of what Sam said to you just a few hours before.
Well, why not?

"Remember when I told you to go fuck yourself?"
He frowns in confusion.
"Uh, yeah I remember..."
"What if I apologized for this?"
"That would be... Friendly? What are you-?
"I won't apologize. But I'll change the wording a bit"
You see the questioning look at his face and grin, pull him down so you could whisper in his ear.
"Please come and fuck me"

You could feel his dirty smile against your cheek when he lifts you up and carries you to the bedroom...

I'm trying to have some FFs with no specific gender as well, simply to include everyone :D
A vote would make me happyyy

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