Stars [FLUFF] MM x Reader

330 10 1

(Cliche romance, alcohol abuse)

"You know, if you continue drinking that much, I'll have to carry you to your tent today"
You laugh, playfully hiding your fourth Martini this evening.

This is a kind of hurray-our-album-is-selling-great-party and you're all camping near a forest to remember the "good old times", when the band could barely afford cheap hotel rooms for the members.

WE ARE CHAOS was published just a month ago, people are buying it like crazy and you couldn't be happier to see all those wonderful people that successful. They truly deserve it.

"I'm good, look!" You stand up and waddle pretty straight towards Manson, who's warned you about your alcohol consume just a few seconds earlier.

"Yeah, I see you're still steady now. I'll gladly watch you crawl on the ground in an hour" he laughs. You blush as he takes your hand and guides you back to the horrible built, small bar they brought. The "barkeeper", a hooker someone probably found on their way here, is giving out drinks and disappears every fifteen minutes to do God-knows-what with God-knows-who. It feels like a weird highschool reunion, but without all the bitchy people and you actually like everyone here. At least the ones you know.

After around an hour your feet feel a bit numb and you decide to walk around to keep your blood flowing. The second you turn around, you see Manson bump into the floor, getting up quickly and turning his head as if to ask "did anyone see this?"

You just laugh but realize that you are, just like Manson, very drunk.
Well, you can't let him be right.
Confidently you wobble around, searching for any familiar face, but the alcohol in your blood somehow manages to blur them all beyond imagination and you can only recognize a few people you're very close to.

Well, shit. That's it, you know you're not going to get back to your tent like that.
Walking towards a branch you found when the daylight was still there, you breathe in deeply.

It's a beautiful summer night, the grasshoppers are chirping, the wind is blowing through the leaves.
You enjoy it all with your eyes closed, ignore your head that's still spinning...
Spinning around one person in particular.

You didn't want to admit it but for some time now you've been crushing terribly on the band's singer. Manson was so different form anyone you've ever dated, he was smart, funny, thoughtful and kind. You like him for who he was. And for his looks actually, for a middle aged man he looks super hot, super cute somehow and was just perfect in your eyes.
Now, that your mind keeps wandering back to him, you don't recognize that you've been creeping up to someone - rather involuntarily, but still.

"Hello?" A familiar voice tears you out of your thought bubble and lets you take a look at the branch. Manson was sitting there, head in his hands.

"Who is this?" He mumbles, obviously too drunk to recognize you.

"Don't you know it?".

"Mhhh" he hums, squinting his eyes to try and see something in the darkness, but there's not enough light to make him see your face.

"It doesn't matter" you sits down next to him, smiling.

"What are you doing here? So far away from the party, all those people...? Too much?"

"No, actually... I just needed a bit alone time". He tried his best to sound normal, but you just chuckle.

"You are very drunk my friend, let's go back, I'll help you find your tent."

"Yes but let me..." He grumbles, squirms a bit and then looks at the sky. "Let me look for a while. You can do too if you want"

You smile and sit down next to him.
This moment feels so intimate, so loving. Just sitting there, watching the stars with him.

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