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The next day, Emil woke up and did his daily routine. Grabbing a box of froot loops, he saw his older brother; Lukas, at the table.
"Gott sorg." Emil muttered.

Lukas nodded in response, and replied with a good mourning as, well. Peter was once again, hogging the T.V, so Emil knew he couldn't watch anything. Mathias was, glomping Lukas, at the table. Emil was clearly disgusted by this. Sure they're cute and all but the constant affection and hugging was really getting to him. No way in a million years is he ever going to do that!
"Get a room!" He yelled.
As usual, they ignored him.

Emil rolled his eyes and begrudgingly looked at the clock.
He felt sluggish from spending all night on tumblr with memes and gifs.
It was already 9:30am, and on weekends he normally sleep in until noon or even after noon.

"Did you manage to get a date?" Lukas asked, pushing Mathias away from the death hug.

"Yes I did. His name is Leon. I'll be meeting him at a café near here." Emil replied.
Even if the date was successful, Emil doubted it would be on the same level as Lukas' relationship with Mathias.

"Tell me how the date goes. If it is successful, you have to let me meet him!"

"Ah yes, br- Lukas. I'll be back in about an hour. "

That was close. He was this close to accidentally calling him his brother. The Norwegian acted so much like one and when they got tested to see if they were actually related, it was true.

Lukas sighed at the other's stubbornness, once Emil has headed out the door.

"I am so worried for him." Lukas said.

"Don't be! He's old enough. He can take care of himself. If anything happens, he has his phone with him at least." Mathias reassured, flashing a signature grin.

Emil walked over to Mōka's, noting to himself that it was a beautiful day outside.
He didn't really take the time to get dressed all properly and fancy.
He wanted the date to be unsuccessful to prove to Lukas that he doesn't need anyone to get Affection.

He can provide it himself.
As he walked in, a small 'ding' was heard, and Emil scanned the café, his bluish-purple eyes landed on the smaller Asian.

He was seated to the side near the window, and was looking at the menu.
Leon looked just like the profile picture, and he looked way cuter in real life.

Emil shook the thoughts out of his head once again.
Walking over to the table hesitantly, he sat down in the seat which was in front of Leon.

The window had a nice view of the sidewalk and cars.
They were passing by like nobody's business.

"Hello. You must be Leon." Emil finally spoke, snapping the teen's concentration on the menu.

The Cantonese boy looked up over at Emil, and his eyes scanned him from the top of his head all the way down to his feet.

Emil felt insecure when the other did that, colour rising to his cheeks instantly.

"Yes. You are like, more cuter than I thought!" Leon chuckled, poking the other's cheek.

"Shush! And you're more annoying than I thought you'd be."

"How nice. Anyways, Emil, what would you like?" Leon asked, handing him the menu.

He noted that Emil was taller than him by a foot, which made him a bit irritated. Now he can't make fun of his height and make him jump for something.

Emil scanned the menu, before deciding what to get.

"I'll just get a cappuccino with a dash of cinnamon. How about you?"

"I don't really come here often.
I think I'll like, just get the same thing as you." Leon said.

The waiter came by and Leon ordered their drinks.
It took a few minutes for the drinks to arrive, and it was filled with an awkward silence.

"So... What's your background, Emil? You have this accent that I can't like, place my finger on. Are you German?" Leon asked, starting the conversation.

"I'm Icelandic actually. My family came from all the way up north.
We moved down here due to some money problems. How about you? Are you Chineese? Japanese? Vietnamese?"
Emil pretty much thought of the generic Asian types.
He was going to say Koreanese but he wasn't sure if it was Korean or Koreanese.

"I'm Chineese. To be more specific, Cantonese. I'm came from Hong Kong with my family. Bussiness was easier like, here."

Emil nodded, taking in the information.
MoonBright city was a pretty multicultural city.

Right after Leon answered the question it was filled by another awkward silence.

"Umm... Do you like hot springs?" Emil asked.

"I've never really like, been in one."

"What!?!? No way, I have to take you to one sometime!!! It's a must have!"

Leon pretty much swooned at how adorable the other was being currently.
He noticed that Emil's fashion sense needed some work on but that can easily be fixed with some shopping.

He has a nice figure for clothing.

The waiter arrived with their drinks, and Leon could smell the cinnamon rising from the cappuccinos.
Lots of foam was on top, and a pretty heart was on both of their's.

Leon didn't want to ruin the priceless foam art, but he must take a sip from it.

Emil already finished his half way.

"Is it good?"  Leon asked, seeing the foamy mustache appearing right above his upper lip.

It was adorable. Why did Emil have to be so freaking adorable!?

"Yes!!! I love it. It's my favourite drink." Emil smiled.

Leon chuckled, and took a sip, tasting nothing but instant sweetness melting into his mouth with a bit of spice to make it even sweeter.

It wasn't too sweet though, and Leon tolerated the taste.
If his stomach can survive his father's cooking, he can survive through any foods.

Emil laughed when Leon finished their drinks.

"You have a mustache."

"You do too! I'll like, get it for you."

Leon grabbed the napkin and wiped Emil's lips, before taking the same napkin to wipe away his own.

Emil blushed looking away, embarrassed that he had used the same napkin and that he let someone wipe his face like he was a hopeless child. He wondered if that counted as indirect kissing.

"You're really beautiful, Emil." Leon  said, basking in the albino's figure.

The sun really gave volume to his hair, and his eyes twinkled, reminding him of the stars.

"Ah sorry I zoned out. Did you say something?" Emil asked.

"Oh, I just like, said that there's going to be another date next time." Leon smiled, and paid the bill.

Emil pouted, wanting to at least split it and make it even.

"I can pay for myself. No, I HAVE to pay for myself."

He gave Leon the money back and took out his own money and slammed it down on the bill, handing it quickly to the waiter so Leon couldn't change his mind.

"Well... I look forward to the next time we meet then."

"Same! Ah, we haven't exchanged numbers yet. I'll like, P.M you tonight." Leon said, holding Emil's hand.

He gave it a small kiss on the back od his hand before smirking, and heading out the café, leaving a blushing Emil behind in the process.

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