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Leon's P.O.V)

I walked home with Kiku today, ahead of Emil. I really wanted to walk with Emil, but, family members are a must. They are more important in my opinion. Anyways, Kiku seemed to have calmed down now that we got home.
"Itadakimasu~" He said before entering.
"Ni hao. How was school, aru?"
I gave Yao a sympathic look, and then looked back at Kiku. Yao understood this message right away.
The Japanese man walked over to his room and closed the door.
"Aiyaa! He better not be going back into isolation again, aru!" Ranted Yao, walking to Kiku's room.
I sighed, and I headed over to my room. Its not like there is anything I can do to help now. I sat down in the middle of my room, boredly. A small Panda plush toy was on the bed and I patted its head, lovingly. It was the exact same toy from when I was a kid. Being bored as usual, I decided to look up some inspirational quotes, because, they motivate me so so much. I grabbed my laptop and started looking for some quotes.
"You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better then your dreams."
So true. This quote seems so familiar. Like, I've heard it somewhere. Wait, father showed this movie, and its a quote from Dr.Seuss. Well then. Maybe I'll try using a quote for Emil. Really cheesy, I know, but, its something.

HK: So.. Hi! Emil... Umm... I have something to tell you... If I like, had a flower for each time I thought of you, I could walk through a garden.

Ice: Oh, Okay.

I facepalmed myself after getting that response.

Ice: Well... I have one for you too. There are seven letters in enemies, but, also in friends. There are four letters in pain, but also in heal. There are four letters in hate, but also for love.

HK: Interesting. I guess you can turn the negative into positive. Well... Gtg now. See ya.

Ice: Bye.

I sighed and left my room. I wondered how Kiku was doing, so I rushed to his room. I stood at the door, and what shocked me the most was that well... Yao was hugging him. Kiku would never let me hug him because of his 'personar space' problem. I silently left, still shocked of what happened, hopefully they wouldn't notice.
"Hey! Leon! What are you up to?" Asked Im Yong, glomping me.
"N-nothing at all. I'm just going to take a shower." I lied, prying his hands off of me.
"Oh, alright! Do you want to take a shower together?" He winked.
"No. Go bother Mei or Lien."
Im Yong pouted and finally left me alone. I decided I should take a shower anyways, out of pure boredom. I went to my room and grabbed my clothes, and a towel, then went to the bathroom.

Author's note: So sorry I took so long to update!!! I was busy with life and many other things... ^^'
That and I had to re-write half of this chapter because Wattpad wouldn't save, and then it published this chapter, when it was unfinished!

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