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(Leon's P.O.V)

It was Monday. Let's skip that part actually, school is sooo boring... Its after school on Monday. I wanted to walk with Emil, so we asked our brother's permission. Yao muttered an okay, and Lukas was okay about it too. Emil and I walked to the park.
"Hey, Leon. Do you remember the first day we've met?" Emil asked.
"Yeah..." I smiled, thinking about the cute male on the bench.
I was lucky that I met Emil, but, I know that we've met somewhere else before. Unfortunately, I don't think Emil remembers.

"Hmm... I feel like, I've met you somewhere before. Like, before the park." Said Emil.

"We've met somewhere else before. Remember Preschool? You were adorable back then." I smiled, remembering Emil hugging a stuffed puffin.

"That doesn't ring a bell... Wait, so you're saying I'm not adorable now?"

"Nah... You are cute~ and more adorable than before."

Emil blushed, a lovely shade of red. We sat down on the bench together, and looked at the playground. There weren't any children around, so, it was peaceful, compared to the kids running around and screaming. The gentle wind blew quietly through my hair. We had a moment of silence, and it was nice. I took a deep breath in, and then, released the air. It was relaxing. I closed my eyes and rethought all the memories Emil and I had together. Only for about a month. Wow. It's surprising how the time flies by quickly. I remember the first time I saw Emil. I could remember it as if it were yesterday.

"Leon! Its time to go, aru! Everyone else is in the car. Let's go!" Said Yao.
"Okay. Coming, Ge Ge!" I said, wobbling towards the car.
"Aiyaa... Here, let me help you, aru." He said, picking me up, when I fell down.
I giggled, as he set me down on the seat and buckled my seatbelt. We were going to a Christmas party, and I was excited that day. I couldn't wait to see the fireworks and Santa Claus.
"Leon, are you excited for the party?" Lien asked, smiling, beside me.
"Yes!" I smiled back.
Then, the long car drive started. For the rest of the ride, I fell asleep, as Lien and chatted with Yao, who sat in the driver's seat. Kiku was in the seat next to Yao, reading some sort of book. Im Yong was beside Lien, staring at the window. Mei was in a different car with everyone else, since we couldn't fit everyone inside a small car. When we got to the location, Lien woke me up.
It was a small town with many lights. It was even snowing. The beautiful, delicate crystals fell from the sky. It was a lovely sight.
We went into a large house with many people there.
Yao went off with Ivan, and Kiku was hanging out with Herakles. Lien was chilling out with Mei, and I was sitting there staring at the Christmas tree. Another boy was there as well. He had white hair, and was opening up a present. A blonde haired boy was there too. He had a hairpin in his hair.
"God Jul, Emil." The boy said.
" Þakka þér bróðir!" The white haired boy said, smiling, hugging a stuffed Puffin.
(Thank you, brother!)
Just then, a Finnish man held up a camera and took a picture of them, with a happy Emil.
I remember looking at the card which was on the present. It read Emil.
Yao gave me a small present as well. When I opened it, it turned out to be a stuffed panda.
"Shèng dàn jiè kuài lè, Ge ge!" I said smiling.
(Merry Christmas, brother!)
I immediately hugged the small toy, and looked outside the window. The man with blonde hair, went outside in a Christmas hat and suit. I wondered where he was going. There was frost on the window, and Emil was beside me, staring out at the window too.
"Do you think Santa will come?" I asked him.
"Of course! He always does!"

Then, we heard a loud bang, and the fireworks began. It was beautiful with the sparks of different colours flying, and then disappearing.
"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas everyone!" said a familiar voice. I could hear the sound of bells, and a sleigh was high in the air.

"Reon-san. It is time to go. Yao wirr be staying behind though." Said Kiku, walking over to me.
We left the house, and we said our farewells and Merry Christmas'.

"Why won't ge ge be coming with us?" I asked.
"Werr... Onry adurts can be there now."
"Oh... okay."

We went home, and I stared at a shooting star. It wasn't everyday I get to see one so, I pointed to it.
"Onii-san!!! Look! A star that can run!" I said.
"Oh. Those are carred shooting stars. Make a wish, Reon-san." He said.
I made a quick wish. I wished that I could have a good friend who will always be there for me.
We headed home, and I got dressed in my pajamas. I laid down on my bed, and cuddled with my panda that Yao gave me.

"Leon! Wake up!" Said a familiar voice.
I opened my eyes, and saw Emil looking back at me worriedly.
"We've been here for hours! Lukas is going to kill me!"
"Oh... I'm so sorry... I just got carried away."
"Okay... I have to go now. Like, I can't walk with you, I really have to go. Bye!"
said Emil, dashing off.

The sky looked very dark compared to before. I decided to head home, and hoped that Yao wouldn't notice that I was gone. I thought back to my wish in the past. I guess my wish did come true. Good ol' memories.

Author's note: I'm so sorry that this update took so long!!! its just that I had a bit of a writer's block, then all of a sudden, I got this great idea! and whoa... This was a much longer chapter than expected... I hope you guys liked it! :)

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