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Alexa didn't know what it meant for her and Tom. Especially since they had kissed. Alexa knew how much she wanted him still. But she just couldn't ruin his career. Especially after everything that had happened before.

That morning, Alexa walked downstairs. She saw Max Tyler there. She smiled. "Did you break in?" She asked.

Max laughed. "No. Charlie asked me to pick you both up. Her car has broke down," he told her.

Alexa nodded. She turned to see Charlie as she walked in. "Your fancy man is here," she said.

"Hilarious. He's here because we need to get into school. And my car doesn't want to work," Charlie told her.

"Okay okay. But can I have some toast first?"

"Go on."

Alexa smiled as she got to school. She saw Tom and walked over to him. "Hi."

"Hey. I can't stay. I'm due on a course in half an hour. Mr Tyler wants me to become a deputy head," Tom said.

Alexa smiled and nodded. "That's amazing!"

Tom smiled. He looked to her. "I'll pick you up tomorrow night if you want. And we can go out for some food?" He asked.

"I'd like that. I should head inside. See if my mother can bully me today," Alexa said as she smiled and walked off.

Tom stood there watching her. He knew he wanted to make her his again. But he was just worried that he would lose his career. That he would let her down.

Alexa was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Charlie walked in. "Hey. You okay?"

Alexa nodded. She smiled. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on with you and Mr Tyler?"

Charlie rolled her eyes but smiled. "There's nothing going on with us babes."

"Yeah there is. Come on."

"Okay. Fine. Mr Tyler asked me to go for dinner with him tomorrow night. I said yes," Charlie said.

Alexa nodded and grinned. She knew it would be the perfect chance for her to spend the evening with Tom. "What's he said about the baby?"

"He's okay about it. He knows Tom is stuck in my life. And that's fine with him," Charlie told her.

"That's amazing. You deserve happiness. Especially after what I did to you," Alexa mumbled.

Charlie smiled and took her hand. She looked to her. "You didn't do anything babes. You made a mistake. I forgave you for that. You're my little sister and I love you."

Alexa nodded. But she still felt guilty about what she had done. "Have you really forgiven me?"

"Yes. I promise you babes. If I hadn't, would I have you living with me?"

"I guess not."

"See. Now, I'm due to go and see mum. She said she wants something from me and I'm traumatised at the thought of what it could be."

Alexa watched as her sister walked off. She knew part of her felt guilty for ruining her relationship with Tom. But she also felt relieved that Charlie was moving on so she could see what future she and Tom could have.

Alexa groaned as her mum walked towards her. She plastered on a fake smile. "Can I help you mum?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm taking you and Charlie away this weekend. It's a baby moon for Charlie. And she wants you to come with us."

Alexa nodded and sighed. "Fine. But only cause Charlie wants me to."

Rachel looked to her daughter. She knew that she hadn't been the best mum to her. But she wanted to change that.

But had there been too much damage to repair the fragile relationship with Alexa?

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