Attack on Umbara

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We were warring in the Expansion Region. The Separatists kept going after our supply routes, which won't end well for them. We launched a lightning strike into a remote Ghost Nebula to control the strategic system of Umbara. How we got through the blockade I have no idea, but I knew we were going to claim Umbara.

Groups of the 187th, 212th, and the 501st huddled around General Skywalker, Kenobi, and myself. A holo-map of Umbara was projected. Kenobi began briefing us. 

"Masters Krell and Tiin will be supporting the 212th and 187th in the south, while Anakin and Commander Thorn will come in from the north with the 501st, taking out enemy reinforcements.  It is imperative that we conquer the capital city as quickly as possible. 

"What about the local militia?" I asked. "The Umbarans have aligned themself with the Separatists, and are heavily armed."

"ARC Trooper Fives will assist our units." Anakin said. 

I nodded to Fives, who gave me a salute.

Fives turned to Rex. "Just like old times." Rex nudged Fives.

"Anakin, we will be 12 klicks to your south. We're counting on you to take out those local fighters, or I'm afraid we'll never be able to take the capital." Kenobi said.

Anakin scoffed. "Do we really have to do everything?"

Kenobi gave his signature smirk. "You always seem to volunteer."

With that, our battalions parted. We walked into our gunship. I didn't like our chances, not enough gunships were landing on Umbara. And the majority of us won't be fighting the hardest battle. I was sure we were going to encounter the locals, and they'll put up a fight. We would do the same for Coruscant. 

We broke into the atmosphere, immediately met by green blaster bolts and explosions in the sky. I sensed the fear out there. The doors to the gunship were open. 

"Looks like a lot of surface fire." I said. 

"Nothing we can't handle." Said Rex, spinning his blasters. We saw a gunship explode near us. 

Rex turned to a clone, holding on to the handles for dear life. 

"You ok there, Tup?"

"So far, so good, captain. He replied. 

We began getting closer to ground. Speeders and mechs hopped off the gunship. It was the first phase of our ground assault. I saw several of the mechs get blasted by cannons, but we broke through the line. Our gunship finally landed. 

Anakin and I ignited our sabers, wasting no time charging and deflecting. I heard the screams of clones, who were at first motivated and ready to fight, but their cheers were cut short by blaster fire. This had to be the biggest battlefield I was in. Especially the darkness, the only light coming from our sabers and the gunship lights

"Go go go!" I yelled. 

I ran up to one of the enemy soldiers, giving a swift kick to his knee, and then slashing his chest. He fell to the ground. I held a bolt in place, that was about to hit me, and sent it into a enemy soldier holding a grenade. The grenade dropped, killing the other enemies around him. 

Anakin and Red ran up to my sides, and I felt less blaster fire coming my way. Rex made every shot, firing with accuracy. Anakin deflected bolts back with ruthless efficiency.

"There's a ridge at 23 degrees north, northwest." Rex said. 

"Good, we can use it as a staging area." Anakin replied.

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