The Shadow of the Hunter

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Severus' P.O.V

We sat huddled from above, scanning the workers pushing crates on Coruscant. We were finally going to execute the plot to kidnap the Chancellor. The Shadow watched the workers carefully, and examined every single way we can take them out. He gave orders to us to take them out.

"Take care of 'em." He said.

The hunter yanked one of them up by the neck, killing them, and Embo threw his hat into the other one, then quickly taking him out with a swift uppercut. Embo picked up his hat and put it back on. I already forgot the names of most of the hunters as we took them out. 

"All clear." Bane said.

We dropped down, and Dooku walked into the hangar.

"This is it. The day of reckoning for the Republic." Dooku said. "I have it from a very reliable source that everything will happen exactly as planned. Execute your roles well, and you will be paid immensely and immortalized throughout history. The Shadow will take it from here."

The Shadow walked to a table, and we followed. 

"I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention." He threw down some devices on the table. "Each device tells you your position and essential details about your part of the plot. Derrown is going to breach the ray shield, while one of our droids will be the getaway driver. Four of you will act as Senate Guards, and Hardeen will be the sniper. Here are your disguises." He put an object down, and the images of Senate Guards appeared before us. We stepped in them, and our disguises were on. Good luck. You won't have any communication with the team. Now get out of my face." After that, we all went to our positions while The Shadow talked to Dooku.

We were set up in the ray shield, taking guard. Palpatine was giving his speech, his voice grand and powerful. To me, Palpatine always seemed a bit strange, but he had a way with the crowd. The Festival started. I looked at the Parwan disabling the shield. I couldn't make my move yet, Kenobi was the eyes in the sky. Anakin sprinted to the Parwan, but it was to late, and an explosion blasted him back. The shield was disabled. The chancellor was knocked out. 

Mace pointed at us four disguised guards. "You four, get him on that speeder and get him out of there!" It was relieving to see my master again. In the corner of my eye, I saw the Parwan smiling out of control in his jetpack. Kenobi must have shot him down. Mace rushed away, going to protect the crowd. Now was the cue. As two of the bounty hunters picked Palpatine up to switch disguises, I quick drew my blasters. Yellow blaster bolts burned through them, and they fell dead. I turned my blasters towards the other disguised guard, but he kicked them out of my hand. Must've been Bane. Our disguises wore off, and it was me and him.

"Mandalorian, you have no idea what kind of pain you're about endure." Bane said, growling. The plan was ruined. The Shadow was disguised as an audience member, but he took it off, and walked towards me, his black cloak flowing through the wind. 

"I knew something like this was gonna happen." He sighed. "Luckily, I'm the kinda guy who makes a contingency for his contingency." 

Him and Bane circled me, then leapt into action. There were no blasters, only punches and kicks. Bane grabbed my arm and twisted it, but I gave a swift kick to his knee, making him lose his balance and stumble. I quickly turned and ducked a punch from the Shadow. He brought up his knee, and it connected with my helmet, knocking it off. I shook off the daze and tackled him, pinning him quickly. I was pulled off by Bane and he held me down. I used my jetpack to shoot up to the sky, and Bane lost his grip. I then dove back down, slamming into the Shadow. He kicked me off, then shot into the sky with his rocket boots, and disappeared in the clouds. Bane growled, and fired his blaster at me. I froze it with the Force.

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