Second Impressions

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I walked to the escape pod. I pressed the buttons, and the door slid open. The escape pod was enough to get me to Serenno. It was going to be a couple days journey. I had a bag with rations and water. I walked inside and dropped my bag near the piloting seat. I turned to see Lux, Ahsoka, and Rose standing outside the door. I took my helmet off. 

Lux walked up to me, giving me a firm handshake. He still looked shaken up. The kid probably hasn't seen an entire village burning down, and he somewhat took part in that. "Thank you. For everything." He said. I patted him on the shoulder.

Ahsoka gave me a big hug. Ahsoka and I had started to warm up to each other. I whispered in her ear, and she was the only one who heard me. 

"I know you like him." 

She pulled back and sheepishly grinned. Then, Rose walked up to me. She turned back to see if Ahsoka and Lux were looking. They were staring at each other. Rose scoffed, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Do me a favor and don't die again." Rose said. 

I gave her a wink. "I won't." 

I pressed the launch button, and the escape pod took off. Once the force of the eject wore off and I was able to control the escape pod, I punched in the coordinates Dooku gave me. I leaned back in the chair. It was going to be a long ride. And needed rest. I turned my head, only to see Revan again.

His arms were folded, and he was looking down. Instead of the hatred and anger I usually felt around him, there was more of a balance. Finally, his head slightly turned to me. I couldn't see his face behind the mask, but I could feel the emotion. 

"I once loved someone too.." He finally spoke. 

I shook my head. "Your mind is clouded. Jedi can't have attachments. It weakens us."

Revan chuckled. "I had a wife and child. I was one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. It clearly does not weaken you." Revan stayed quiet for a moment. "I have meditated. I've sensed what is soon coming. The Sith are wrong." 

I scoffed. "You switched up."

Revan clenched his fists. "But so are the Jedi. They are weak. The Sith are misguided. Both of them aren't correct in this. There is going to be a major imbalance. I sense it." 

I frowned. "What are you trying to get at."

Revan stood up. "Love. Compassion. It gives you something to fight for. Hold on to that. Hold on to HER." With that, he disappeared.

I thought on Revans words for a while and drifted asleep. 

The journey to Serenno was quick. I still had a quarter of my rations left. When I was in the middle of long campaigns with the 187th, I went for days without eating. Master Windu taught me to sustain myself with the Force only if necessary. 

I landed outside a box-shaped structure. Count Dooku was there to greet me. Two of his magna guards followed. Dooku had a new saber on his belt, the exact same as the one sitting on my desk. Bounty hunters were in the distance.

"A pleasure to have you here. I assure you it is well worth the money, what we have in store." Dooku said. 

I only gave him a nod. 

I walked among the bounty hunters, only recognizing one named Embo. I looked at one of the bounty hunters, and a feeling in the Force reached out. He wore black armor pieces on his legs, arms, and shoulders. Most of his outfit was black leather. He had a cloak on as well, and a bandana over his mouth, wearing a round hat. Two pistols were at his sides, and his gauntlets and armor pieces no doubt had weapons. A rifle slung on his back. I didn't recognize it, so he must have made it himself. Strangely, a red kyber crystal hung from his neck.

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