CH 9

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Norman was so desperate to leave school, that he ended up leaving class right into the middle of it. He didn't do any of the assignments he was supposed to do, claiming that he wasn't motivated. He was sent to the principal's office, and was confused why the principal asked him if his unacceptable behavior had anything to do with Rose Gold leaving school. Norman had said no, and believed it. Or so he thought.

He was angry at Rose for being the daughter of the most horrible, powerful man ever. But that was it. He couldn't find any other reason to hate her.

His day got worse when Madame- the Blue Fairy took him to talk about his status of living with Granny temporarily.

She was trying to convince him to move back in with the nuns/ fairy's, and that annoyed him. He wanted everyone to leave him alone.

But, no. Henry found him in the halls and asked him one thing.

"What's your real name and what's your story?" That just made the teen turn the other direction and walk straight out of the school doors.

The question did leave him thinking what he should be referred to as. His real name or his curse name? Should he be reminded of the sad reality he was born into, or continue living a pretend life as if nothing had changed? Nothing sounded good.

Even walking onto Granny's Diner and seeing Ruby talking to Prince Charming and The Dark One didn't look good.

The three adults heard the bell ring from the door. Rumple was unhappy to see the young boy who hurt his daughter.

"I came in at the wrong time." Norman muttered to himself.

"You are so lucky that Granny isn't here right now and that I am in charge. Especially when I have to leave." Ruby said and got her things ready to leave.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"None of your concern" Mr Gold glared at him.

"Shouldn't you be in school, kid?" Charming asked. The standing sheriff looked like he was getting ready to escort the teenager back to school.

"Guys, please wait for me outside. I got this." Wolf girl told the men. They both gave Norman one last glance before leaving the diner.

"Saved by the wolf." Norman felt relieved.

"Don't thank me yet. When I get back, I want a full explanation why your skipping school. Again. Until then, watch over the diner for me."


"Nuh-uh! You skip school, you work double time. Now stay." She ordered and left. Norman shook his head, back to feeling disappointed.

"Man! I came here to escape, not work."


Ruby had lead the two men towards Moe's flower shop. Bell's scent was leading them there. Moe wasn't pleased to see the Dark One.

"You again! Out! This is a private establishment. You're not welcomed." He yelled out.

"Where's Belle?" Rumple asked instead of listening to him.

"I won't let anything happen to her."

"We're just worried." Charming and Ruby added, hoping they could gain Moe's trust since no one really likes Gold.

"Don't be. She's safe. So you can stop looking." He responded.

"Look... if I could just have a chance to talk to her-" Moe cut Rumple off.

"You will destroy Belle like you destroy everything else. Well, I won't let that happen." The three of them eyed the flower owner suspiciously. What did he mean by that?

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