Chapter 4.

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Carl's POV two weeks later.

Frank walks through the door and I look up from the TV to look at him.

"Great, son." He says and sits down on the couch next to me. He holds up a pre rolled blunt. My face brightens up and I grab for it but he quickly pulls his hand back. I look back at the TV angrily.

"The fuck you want, Frank?" I ask.

"You can have this but I need you to do me a favor." He says. I look back at him somewhat intrigued.

"I need you to do me a drug run. Right down the street , next to the lesbians." I nod fast indicating I will.

"Pick me up some Percy - Cs, and spice."

That shit is really bad but I don't give feedback.

I nod again and he hands me the blunt. I pop it in my mouth and pull out a lighter from my pocket and light it up while he digs in his pockets. I stand up and he hands me a wad of cash.

"As much as possible, son." He says.


I stupidly smoke the weed and walk down the street. I look around as I walk waiting to find the lesbians next door neighbors. I take one puff of the blunt and stop in my tracks to see Y/N sitting on an abandoned house step. I quickly lick my fingers and put it over the burning end to put it out. I push it into my pocket and push the wad of money further down.

She looks up at me but looks back down right after with a sad look to go along. I blow out the last held in puff of smoke and walk and sit next to her on the step.

"Why are you sitting on an abandoned houses step? Why aren't you at your own house."

She runs her hand over her mouth with a worried- ish look.

I laugh. "This is your home. You're a run away!" I say excited.

She shushes me and looks around.

I pull her up by the hand , standing us both up.

"I'll take you in. You can sleep in my bed." I say

"We can't be friends, Carl." She says.

I frown.

"No one says we can't. You're alone. I know what you did now. But I don't care. I wouldn't cap on you, Y/N. I went to jail and had a whole squad because I didn't rat my drug dealer out." I say, quickly shutting up before I could make things worse.

Her eyes start to gleam and she gives a soft smile.

"Okay, but only for a little."


We started walking home from the drug run and she had gathered all of her items from that run down house. We had stuffed the drugs in the bag with her items.

We finally arive back at my place and we walk in the front door together.

Fiona, Lip, Ian, and Debbie stare at us.

"Y/N." I say to them.

Debbie walks up to Y/N and starts talking

"You go to our school!" Debbie says. Y/N nods.

"She's a run away." I yell loud enough for everyone to hear.

Y/N punches my arm.

"I wish I could sometimes. You know, run away." Debbie says to Y/N.

Frank walks downstairs to us still standing by the door. I look at him and pull the bag off Y/N's shoulder. She slightly jumps. I pull out the drugs and hand them to him and he walks back upstairs.

"Damn it, Carl. Again?" Lip says, pushing Ian to go upstairs after Frank.

Lip walks up to me and pulls me aside as Debbie pulls Y/N upstairs to her room.

"We can't have another one of your poor girls in here. We don't need 12 brothers and sisters running around like last time with Bonnie." Lip says harshly.

I push away from him. "She's not like Bonnie. She's a run away and she's alone." I say angrily.

"She won't leave so soon." I whisper. I look back up at him and furrow my brow to try not to show feelings. "Whatever, it's only for a little." I say and run upstairs to my room.

Might as well let Y/N get comfortable around here if she's going to stay for a bit.

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