Chapter 5.

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Your POV The next morning

I wake up on the couch. I look around confused but remember Carl had taken me in. Carl walks over to the couch.

"They canceled school due to snow." He said and smiled. I smiled back at him. I sit up on the couch and he sits at the other end.

Shortly after that one of the older girls calls out. "Breakfast, guys. Get the pancakes while they're warm and soggy." She laughs at her own joke.

Carl gets up from the couch and waves me over as well. We walk over to the kitchen and the girl introduces herself

"I'm Fiona. Debbie said you're Y/N, right?" She asks. I nod

"I'm sorry to just come into your house or whatever but Carl insisted and it's really nice of you to let me stay for a little bit." I say thankful.

"No problem, Y/N. You don't seem to be bringing in four other kids!" She says.

I give her a confused look and shrug it off and take two pancakes.

I sit at the table and Carl sits across from me. We eat our pancakes and he goes to the fridge to get some orange juice. He offers me some and I nod. He gets two glasses and brings it back to the table. He pours the orange juice in the glasses and slides mine to me. He drinks the rest of the carton and throws it out.

He finishes his OJ and his pancakes and puts his plate on the counter and goes upstairs, leaving me with the rest of the family awkwardly.

I don't finish the pancakes or orange juice because I didn't appreciate being left alone with them.

"Don't look so shy, Y/N. We don't bite. Carl shouldn't have left ya alone either, though." Fiona says and chuckles. I thank her for the food and put my dishes in the sink and head upstairs to look for Carl.

I hear moving around in his room so I suppose he's probably in there. I start to head for his room and speak before entering.

"You can't just leave me alone." I say and giggle. As soon as I walk in hes looking at me with his shirt off and just jeans on. His boxers are just right above his jeans but barely. I blush.

"M-My bad." I turn around. He walks behind me and puts his head near my ear and a hand on my opposite shoulder.

"Your fly is down." He whispers in my ear and laughs, walking to the bathroom.

I turn bright red and look down. I zip up my pants.


I jump up on the top bunk to get on Carl's bed to see if he has a smoke or anything. The red - headed brother is in his bed. He shifts up and looks up at me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. Carl has to have somethin' up here." I say still looking under covers and pillows.

The brother turned to his small dresser next to his bed and rummaged through it and pulled out a smoke. He held it up towards me and I jumped down from the bed and took it. He pulled out a lighter and lit it up for me and I puffed on it.

"I'm Ian." He said groggily.

"Y/N." I replied taking another puff and passing it to him.

"Thanks." I told him as he puffed on it as well.

"Carl like you, you know." He says. I almost choke at the statement.

"What?" I scoff. I guess I kind of liked him too but what if I got too close then got taken away?

He repeats himself. "Carl likes you. He probably gets a boner just thinking of you." He laughs. I nod but don't say anything.


Ian was gone with Mickey, Liam was sleeping with Fiona, and Lip was at college currently. It was late at night and Ian said I could sleep in his bed so I was. Carl tossed and turned and started talking.

"You awake?" He asks me, obviously seeing my eyes open. I nod and he stares up at the ceiling.

"Why'd you run away?" He asks me. I knew this was just the 2 am talking.

I stay quiet for a while then speak. "My father was trying to kill me and my mother. I escaped but I don't know if my mom did."

"Why didn't your mom?" He asks

I shrug. "She was always running away, so maybe she did. She never protected me or tried to at least." I reply.

"Where did you run from?"

"Ohio. I left over a year ago." I say. He jumps up with a worried face.

"You've walked for a year without a family or money or food?"

"I stole and found some extra cash on the ground and stuff." I say beginning to tear up.

"How can we not talk family when family is all we got? It hurts a lot. Knowing the people who are supposed to love you most, don't." At this point I was sobbing but I tried not to show it.

Carl jumped down from his bunk and walked over to the bed I was in and started getting under the covers. I scooted over to make room for him and he got fully under and we were face to face.

I started crying harder and he pulled my head to his chest. I calmed down a little and there were muffle cries and sniffles into his shirt. He ran his hands through my hair and pulled my face away from his chest shortly after.

He stared into my eyes for a moment and I finally grasped how beautiful his were. I smile as he still runs his hand through my hair.

My heart beats a mile a minute. He finally starts to lean in. We both close our eyes and his lips fall perfectly in between mine.

We kissed for what seemed like a long time but he finally pulled away.

After the kiss ended he pulled me in close again and we cuddled. We drifted off to sleep like that shortly after.

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