Chapter 7.

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Carl's POV

"Beautiful." I finish my sentence, looking at her starting to put jeans on. "You're so beautiful." I say.

I had to ignore the fact I was starting to get a boner thinking of her.

She gives me a faint smile. I turn around and scrunch my face knowing I messed up.

"Shit, I'm sorry. This must be awkward for you." I say.

She giggles.

We both get fully dressed but decide to skip breakfast.


Second period ended and it was time for lunch. We sat at a table together alone but four girls suddenly came and sat with us. We looked at each other and Y/N started getting kind of awkward. The 'leader' started talking.

"I'm Sam." She said, curling her beautiful blonde hair with her fingers. She pointed at the three other girls.

"Valery, Haley, and Laci." She said pointing at them one by one. They were a gorgeous group of girls but I tried to focus on Y/N as much as I could.

I awkwardly nod at Sam.

"You free tonight?" Sam asks, biting her lip.

"I have to use the bathroom." Y/N says and gets up walking out of the lunch room. I look at her leave confused while the four girls take her place and sit next to me.

The Sam girl was wearing a low tank top and shorts. Haley was wearing a skirt and a V - neck. Laci was wearing tight yoga pants and an oversized V - neck, and Valery was wearing something very similar to Sam.

Sam repeats her question. "Are you?" She says with flirtatious eyes, and licks her lips.

I nod.

"Cool." She says and takes out a pen. She writes her phone number on my arm. "Call me or text me tonight. I'll come over." She says and winks, while getting up.

I give a faint smile as her and the other girls walk off. My attention turns back to where Y/N went. I walk out of the lunch room and go to the bathrooms to see if shes there. I walk into the girl's bathroom and gladly no other girls were there.

Unfortunately, neither was Y/N.

I walk out and walk by our lockers to see if she was there but she was not.


I gather my stuff from my locker and shut it. I start walking out the door to walk home but find myself running instead of walking.

I was really worried about Y/N. I was hoping she was at home.

I hope I hadn't upset her.

I finally made it home and walked through the front door. I run upstairs and look in every room before entering mine. While I walk down the hall, Debbie walks out of my room and shoves me as she walks past me. She looked highly upset.

I stare at her as she goes into her room and slams the door. At this point I knew I had messed up very badly, but I didn't understand why. I think it was those girls.

I walk into the room sort of angrily.

"What did you say to Debbie about me?" I ask Y/N who is sitting on Ian's bed.

She looks up at me while holding Liam.

"Do you like Sam? Or those other girls?" She asks me quietly.

"That's like asking me if I like Holly. Are you serious, Y/N?" I say getting madder by the second. Her next line startled me.

She looked down and hid her face with her hair.

"You made out with Holly. You guys almost.." She stopped herself and a tear fell.

I started stuttering. "No.. No I . I didn't.." I lie.

She wipes her eyes and gets up setting Liam down.

"Okay, Carl." She says, running out crying. She slams the door behind her before I could speak. I had barely said anything but I understand because of everything she had going on.

I didn't know weather to go after her at this point or give her time alone. But I felt if I went after her she'd be angry and If I didn't she'd be angry.

I sigh and open the door and walk to Debbie's room, figuring she would be in there. When I got to Deb's room she was curled up on Debbie's bed and you could hear small sniffles.

She probably told Debbie what happened and Debbie decided to give her space.

"I'm sleeping here tonight." She says sadly.

I walk to the bed and get under the covers with her and wrap my arm around her waist since shes staring at the wall. She starts crying again. I reach up to her head and pull her hair behind her ear. I lean into her and slightly kiss her neck, hoping she'd calm down a bit.

She turns to face toward me and instantly kisses my lips. She snuggles herself close to me.

"I like listening to your heart beat faster when I get close to you. It makes me feel important." She says.

Shortly after being in the position she pulls away.

"Uhm, Carl," She says starting to giggle through sniffles.

"It's poking me." She continues laughing.

She snuggles back into me and we slowly drift off to sleep.

{Sorry if this was kind of short, I'll start chapter 8 tonight, comment if you'd like that!}

{ Viners used- Haley ; @adoratixon , Valery ; @Valery x , Laci ; @BruhItsLaci♥ , Sam; @ahs¿? }

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