Chapter 17.

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Eve's POV
I took the bar of soap on the side of the bath and started rubbing it all over my body.
I set down the soap and washed all the bubbles and remaining soap off, looking down at my stomach.
I had never really worried about my weight but I was completely confused this morning.
I gently rubbed my stomach.

After completely washing up, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.
I decided to answer the question my mind was screaming.

I looked around the bathroom and rummaged through cabinets until I found a pregnancy test.

I walked over to the toilet and sighed, hoping for the best.

I dropped the towel and did the test.
"Please." I whispered.
I hesitated before taking a glimpse at the stick.
I immediately threw my head back and let out a sigh of relief to see a negative sign.
I was not pregnant.
Thank god, I thought.

But that still did not answer why I felt weird today. I strugged it off just thinking I was tired and not thinking straight.

I headed back to Debbie's room with my towel and as I walked in she was just changing. I looked at the clock to see it was almost time to go. I sighed and frowned, picking out a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"You okay, Eve?"

I nodded but did not speak. I quickly changed clothes and threw my hair into a messy bun.

"What's with the clothes?" Carl asked as I walked in to the kitchen.

"Just wanted something comfy today." I said gently.
He stared at me confused but eventually looked away.

Fiona was making pancakes which were done as soon as Carl looked away.
"Here ya go." She said handing me a plate of pancakes.

I hesitated and stared at the plate but for some reason I told her I was not hungry. I was hungry but my mind said I wasn't.

"You'll be hungry." She said questionably to me.

I shrugged and began to walk out the door for school, Carl following not far behind.

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