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For the first time in his life, Severus felt hope. He did not trust Octavius, not yet. But his magic identified Octavius' as his brother, it had welcomed his brother's magic while Eileen's own magical signature was ignored. Severus wondered why his magic felt secure with Octavius while his mother had given him nothing remotely similar. 

He was happy, Severus' magic had welcomed his magical signature. He held his brothers small hands as they walked around the park. Octavius could feel some sense protectiveness as he held the child. He could see a pair of girls playing at the distance. He saw the longing looks his brother sent them, knowing Tobias and his weird hatred to everything superior to him, he had probably never let Severus play with other kids. 

"Do you have anything to ask me?"

Severus rolled his eyes discreetly, Octavius saw it anyway. He chuckled. He could almost hear the thousand and one question going through Severus' mind.  So he started telling his story.

Severus' listened intently as Octavius spoke about his past. He occasionally munched on the chocolate bar his brother had bought for him. "So Severus, you go to Hogwarts?"

Severus tensed at the name. Although Tobias resented magic, it didn't mean that he was not afraid of it. He was somehow convinced that not sending Severus to the school would result in wizards coming to the village. He feared the aftermath of outing Severus' magical heritage. Hogwarts wasn't much kinder to him anyway. Octavius watched his brother's face dropping, him visibly curling inwards.

"Severus, did something happen at school?" 

Severus' eyes filled up. He refused to look at his brother and kept his eyes firmly on the ground.  He didn't want to cry, he had never cried in front of anyone, not even when the marauders had sabotaged his potion and burnt his entire left hand and Slughorn had scolded him for his carelessness. Octavius was taken aback by the sudden act. He crouched down in front of his younger brother and enveloped him in a warm hug.

"Shh..I will keep you safe from now on" 

Severus pressed his face into his brother's firm chest, he sobbed uncontrollably. 

"Is someone hurting you Severus?" Octavius asked cautiously, not to push his his brother to another panic attack. Severus nodded slowly. Octavius tightened his grip around Severus. "Your house members don't protect you?" 

"They hate me, call me bad names. Because I am poor and my blood is impure" Severus said through a series of sobs. He felt Severus's breath slowly fall into a rhythm, the child had fallen asleep. He cradled him close to his chest and let out a deep sigh. First and foremost he would force his parents to transfer the guardianship to him and then he would take Severus with him to England. And then he will quit Dumstrang and enroll himself at Hogwarts. He would be one year senior to Severus, it wouldn't matter, he will protect his brother.

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