Part 15-911

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Topangas POV

I run over to Rileys limp, pale body. She's passed out on the ground with a deep, bloody wound on the side of her face and a broken glass in her hand. "Baby, can you hear me?" I cry out frantically. I begin to cry but hold back my tires and focus on my daughter. I immediately pull out my phone and dial 911.

Dispatcher: "911. What's your emergency"
Topanga: "I-I just came home and-oh god- she's unconscious with a gash on her head."
Dispatcher: "okay ma'am, is she breathing?
Topanga: "yes, yes she is."
Dispatcher: " and does she have a pulse?"
Topanga: "u-uh, yes she does. Please get help."
Dispatcher: "Yes ma'am, we will send help your way. What's your address?
Topanga: "it's 452 Mayhew Drive apartment 12b in Manhattan. M-my names Topanga Matthews and my daughters name is Riley Matthews."
Dispatcher: "Okay Topanga. Help is on the way and we are sending an ambulance to you now."
Topanga: "Thank you."

Once I end the call I break into tears holding onto her tightly. Her face is colorless and her breathing slowing. EMTs arrive and we rush to the hospital. Now to call Cory...

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