Chapter 3 :Surprise:

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Fatmemegod's POV

I just got up from bed and headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast before disaster by muffinjuice would blow out.

"Oh! you woke up early" socks said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, did you get your stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, is muffinjuice alive I mean awake?" he asked me. "No, at least I don't think so or he will be in the kitchen as well" I said getting a cup of coffee. "I am awake" muffinjuice said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Good Morning then" I said.

"Good morning and eat up we have a long day to go today" he said as he got some pancake mix from top of the bridge.

Suddenly the door burst open it was Blaza and he did not look happy.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K DID YOU DO?!" he yelled as he went up to me.  "Blaza please get back here, your anger.." Laff said as he came up from the door.

"Fine" he said as he walked back towards Laff.

He then looked at me and socks. "Nice to see you meme, and socks" Laff said happy as ever. "Yeah it has been a while" Tbh said coming from behind with Nadwe, "I guess.." Nadwe said.

They all went towards the living room and they all sat there in silence until Nadwe broke the silence. 

"As you can tell we're here because Muffinjuice told me and the others what happened" Nadwe said.

"Really? I though you guys hated each other?" I asked.

"Yes we do but right now this is serious, socks is in danger of a mistake you did" he replied.

That struck me like a truck because he made me realize once more how socks is in danger and all its all because of me and my stupid mistake.

Muffinjuice then spoke up "We need to figure out a way to defeat him once and for all, you know like a plan" he said.

Suddenly we heard footsteps racing down the stairs in the corner it was Tbvg.

"Sir Nicholas we have a small problem" Tbvg interrupted coming down the stairs in the corner.

"Oh also pardon me for interrupting you Sir Muffinjuice" he said as he went up to socks.

He started whispering into his ear then they both started walking back towards the staircase.

"I'll be back just figure out what we need to do, got it?" he said.

"Yeah" I responded as they both went up the stairs.

"Well since we just found out about this I don't think I can manage to come up with a plan right now until I am fully done being mad at you for putting someone in danger though I hate him" Blaza said.

"Okay how about we finish this around 8pm today" I offered.

"That's fine with us" Blaza said as he got up and went out he door.

"See you then bye meme" Laff said smiling hopping out the door.

"Bye meme" tbh said then Nadwe just waved and left.

When they all left I just stared at the wall while Muffinjuice left as well but up the stairs.

I soon got lost in though of ideas for a plan.

We needed one soon or else destruction will hit us..

Word count -477

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