Chapter 13: I'm Sorry

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Sock's POV

I woke up to see memegod sleeping next to me, I got up and realized that we were still in the same room from where I originally tied him up. I looked at him, he was sleeping so peacefully I could just sit here and watch him sleep, but I needed a way to get us out of here.

Then I heard the door knob shuffling and someone walked in, it was Adam. 

"oh, I see you got your little friend back to normal" he said, by then meme had woken up.

I took this opportunity to punch him, and send him flying a bit to the wall, I grabbed meme's hand and we started running.

"AFTER THEM!" Adam commanded. 

We started running and I heard gunshots, they were shooting at us, I saw a door and pulled him through it really fast. I closed the door and pressed my back against it holding memegod in front of me, my hand covering his mouth as a way of telling him to not make noise.

We heard them passing by and we waited until we couldn't hear them anymore.

I let go of memegod and he looked up at me, I saw tears were forming in his eyes "we're gonna die aren't we?" he asked, I was shocked by what he just said "No! we are not gonna die! as long as I'm here I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you okay?" I responded, he nodded and I kissed his forehead, "I promise.." he smiled at me.

I saw that there was some stairs and I grabbed his hand and we ran up the stairs. Eventually we reached the roof and we looked over the edge, it was a long way down. I went back towards the door as he stayed near the edge to see if there was a way down.

I had my back towards the door, and suddenly I was pulled backwards, someone's hand on my mouth and they tied me up with a rope. I saw Adam going up to meme from behind, and I was able to scream only a few words, but I only said 2..

"WATCH OUT!!" I yelled loudly, meme turned around catching Adam's hand before he could get him. He twisted his hand and then I felt something on the side of my head.

They we're holding me at gunpoint.. 

"ENOUGH!" One of them yelled, meme looked towards my direction and his eyes went wide and I saw rage though them. "Leave our boss alone and your little boyfriend will be fine"

Meme stopped dead in his tracks and he looked at me, he came up to us, and then whispered something I didn't process until it almost happened..

"Please forgive me my love.." he then kicked the person holding me at gunpoint and ran towards Adam. He jumped on him and pushed him backwards. When he did I realized what he meant by "forgive me" he was gonna sacrifice himself..

"MEME NOOOOO!" I yelled getting up ripping the ropes, but it was too late.

They both had fallen off the building, and before they fully went out of view I saw blood, and it looked like it was coming from meme.. ..

Word Count: 530

:The Battle of The Villians: ( Opposite AU Story 1) Memefor1Where stories live. Discover now