Chapter 12: Saving you

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Memegod's POV

I saw socks come up to me, I looked at another direction but he grabbed my face to force me to look into his eyes.

"Wakey Wakey sleeping beauty, my dear boss wants to see you" he said.

"What if I don't want to see him, what you going to do?" I asked angrily, he then took out a knife and held it to my throat.

"This." he said

"fine." I said as I rolled my eyes, I knew I could get out but I want to bring socks back, that's when I noticed it. I saw a device on the side of his neck, it was the one that was suppose to hit me. I then realized if I could hit him there then he would be knocked out and come back, I giggled.

"What is so funny?" he asked me sharply.

'"nothing much" I responded.

"Okay, anyways I just received news that he doesn't want to see you since he's busy right now, so you're lucky for now" He told me.

I don't why but I got up untying myself easily, and he looked shocked.

I looked at him, and he ran up to me about to punch me, but I grabbed his hand and twisted it.

"OW!" He yelled in pain, and he grabbed his own hand.

"Something you forgot is that I'm stronger than you, I have far more experience, though you sometimes are stronger" I said.

"I don't give a s*it I will beat you" he said harshly as he tried to punch me again but I dodged it again.

We fought for a little until I got bored and yawned which pissed him off.

"I'm getting tired of this" I said as I grabbed his hand and put it behind his back and broke the device by punching it.

He yelled out in pain, which hurt my soul, but I knew it was for the better. He then collapsed and I held on to him preventing him from falling face-forward to the floor. I then sat down on the floor resting his head in my lap. I decided to wait till the jerk came though the door so I could escape and wouldn't cause a big mess/fight at night. I then saw he had my phone and I took it and checked the time.

10:28 PM 

I sighed and sent a message to muffinjuice telling him that tomorrow he will get on his helicopter (with the others) and go to the roof of the building when I send him a message saying "now". He responded by saying okay, and asked if I was okay which I said yes, and I told him goodnight. I then looked at socks, he looked peacefully sleeping, you could never tell that we were fighting. Unless you looked at his arm, it had a bruise now. 

"I'm sorry socks... I had to do it to bring you back..." I whispered closing my eyes. I then felt a hand grab the side of my face and opened my eyes to see socks looking at me, and he smiled.

"It's okay, at least you saved me" he said softly, kissing my forehead. I blushed lightly and nodded. I then laid down, he then lied down too, next to me. We sat there in silence and I suddenly had the urge to tell him that I liked him. I immediately starting blushing as soon as I thought of that. I sat back up and held my hands to my face. Socks was beyond confused.

"You okay?" He asked me. "y-yes I am.." I replied stuttering a bit. "You sure? you don't seem fine, and-" I cut him off "I'm okay!".  He looked at me and removed my hands from my face "your face is red, would you explain that?" He asked. "Okay fine..." I said.

I got up and looked out the window inside that tiny room, I figured it was time, you never knew if something was gonna happen to me tomorrow. I sighed and spoke softly "the reason my face is red and the thing I'm hiding from you is... my love". I turned to look at him he had tint of pink on his cheeks "continue" he said. 

I started stuttering a lot, and finally said the words I wanted to say.

"I love you" 

Socks's eyes widened as he looked at me blushing a lot. I looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything" I told him as I went to the corner and sat down as tears were forming in my eyes. 

He went up to me and took out his hand, and I looked up at him as I took his hand and got up.

"I love you too.."

My eyes widened and I smiled, a true smile for once. I hugged him and he hugged back.

"If you don't mind" he said lifting my chin up and gave me a quick kiss, he then went and laid down, I was shocked but happy. I laid down next to him.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends?" he asked me.

I blushed and started stuttering again " I T-t-think s-so?

"Good then" he said smiling turning to face me.

"I'm glad you told me I actually recently started to like you haha.." he said chuckling. "what about you" he asked me.

"Oh for me? well I always liked you." I said, "wow" "yeah, you know that saying of love at first sight?" "yeah?" he said. "Sort of like that, I always liked that you were so strong, cool, smart, hot and handsome too" I said immediately slapping my hand against my mouth. "You think I'm hot?" he asked. I giggled "yeah? so what?" I said, "so this!" he said attacking me by tickling me, I started laughing, and we went on for a few minutes. "I'm going to call that your tickle attack" I told him.

We both laughed, and we stayed up talking for a little bit, I never thought this day would come but guess I was wrong. 

"we should go to sleep" I told him.

"Only if you sleep next to me" he answered.

"Fine, clingy boy" I joked

He laughed, and I joined in.

He then hugged me as he started snoozing off.

Soon he was fully asleep, and I looked at him, I smiled as I knew we we're finally together.

I then started to sleep, I knew tomorrow would be a big day.

HOLY COW :1052: Words!

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