Chapter 5: Plan and Event

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(Hope you enjoy the song! I picked it since it is a nice song and I I was listening to it while writing!)

Fatmemegod's POV

It hit 8pm Nadwe, Laff, Blaza are inside and there is just awkward silence.

"Let us begin shall we?" Nadwe finally spoke. "Yes" Muffinjucie responded.

I got up and brought a huge paper with some markers and we all started to write the plan down.

"So on Thursday you guys will attack here-" Nadwe was cut off by socks. "Us what about you guys?" he asked. "Since it is you guy's problem we here to help you design the plan but not part of it" Nadwe responded back.

"ok" socks said and we all continued to plan.

By the time we finished it was 2am.

"since it is late how about you guys stay? we got spare rooms a lot actually.." I offered.

Blaza looked at me and smiled "sure" I smiled at him.

"I'm fine with it" Nadwe said. "Same here" Laff said. "I was already going to stay so yeah" Tbh said.

"Can I get a hand getting blankets?" I asked. "I'll help you" Blaza offered getting up from the couch. "Thanks! I'll show you the way" I said walking up the stairs, while he followed.

As we were moving some blankets and pillows to one of the guest room's laff was staying in Blaza turned to me "hey, umm can me, you, tbh, and, socks watch a movie or something" he asked.

"Why?" I asked. He looked away "because..I miss them ever since you left.." he said kind of sad. "Oh, Of course we can! I miss them as well when it was the 4 of us, but promise me that you won't fight with socks" I said. He smiled "I promise".

We came back and Muffinjuice was talking to Nadwe again and they were both laughing. Me, socks, and Blaza looked ta each other and we all had the same expression....How did they start talking again?

Muffinjuice's POV

I do not know how but I am becoming friends again with my enemy somehow.

"Yeah and they I beat the shit of them!" Nadwe said smiling evilly.

"Nice, I wish I could of been there and see it all, I bet it would have been so cool since you know how to fight more than me" I told nadwe."hey don't say that! you literally can easily kill me at anytime!" he argued. "Okay you're right there" I said laughing a bit after a few seconds he joined me laughing. 

We decided to have our own sleepover but in my room since he has never seen it.

"Are you serious you haven't seen it not even a glance?" I asked once more. "Nope, this'll be my first time seeing it!" he said.

We both walked and laughed, I just realized how much I missed having Nadwe around he was fun to hang out this sleepover is going to be one to remember...

Word Count- 473

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