Chapter 9: Fight!

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Fatmemegod's POV

I walked towards the kitchen and covered my face with my hands, this was bad.. How am I suppose to act normal when I just can't?!

I take my hands off my face and see tbh and blaza just staring at be confused.

"are you okay?" blaza asked me.

"Yes, I am fine." I said being my normal self again.

"okay good" he responded.

When then heard nadwe screaming like a child.


"Wait what?!" I yelled-asked as he then explained every detail of that plan.

-After Nadwe explained the plan-

"Hey, we can do this today." socks said.

"Yeah!" nadwe said in agreement. "all I want is revenge right now.." he mumbled.

"Well then let's go." socks said.

"Wait what.." I responded.

"Do y'all need better weapons?" ally asked us coming inside the living room

"Actually we do!" Blaza said.

"Here you go" she said as she stepped aside and we saw loads of weapons.

We each grabbed one, and got ourselves ready for the hell/fight that was going to be later.

We then left and started making our way towards the boss's passing through the leftovers of what used to be blaza's, nadwe's, tbh's, and many more's village. Blaza, tbh, and Nadwe looked away when we passed through there. I knew they couldn't bare seeing what they created burnt down, and destroyed.

I then knew we were being watched.

"Stop" I told them as I turned around to face them.

"They're here..." I said.

I suddenly almost got hit by an arrow by our opponents.

"Look out!" I yelled as I pushed tbh out of the way and took out my sword in time and the arrow hit it and then fell down.

Socks took out a gun and pointed in the direction from when the arrow was shot towards us.

Blaza then raced towards there not caring if he got hurt, and so I ran the other way to confuse the opponent  for a second.

We both got to him and I punched him in the face, and blaza kicked him, hard, and far for being a kick.

Then more of them came out and socks joined us, as nadwe took out a gun that he built himself and carefully but fast shot some opponents as he protected tbh, since he didn't know how to fight nor he wanted to hurt people.

I was able to wound some of them as blaza literally ran, and kicked them, he was pretty fast. He used his weapon for some, which was a sword and he would wound some who weren't affected by his kicks.

After a few minutes socks finally shot the last one, and we all continued  our journey.

"Keep your guard up, there can always be more.." socks told us.

Evil Boss/ The Shotstiler's POV.

"Sir, they are coming for us, they're heading here." One of my partners said.

"Let them come here, they'll know that it was a mistake to be here." I said.

"I'm going to avenge my partner, no matter the cost..."

"He's going to pay.., and I'm going to make sure he'll have to hurt his precious partner in order to even try to defeat me.. just watch.." I said.

-Word Count- 515

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