Act 1: Scene 9

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"Hey Jade" Jay said as he walked in the dorm to find Jade sitting on her bed. "What's up" Jade said as she kept reading and blew a bubble from her gum.

Jay hesitated before speaking up. "I overheard you and Evie earlier" He said. "And?I have lots of talks with Evie" Jade before looking at him.

"You need to be specific" Jade said before popping her bubble. and looking back at the book. Jay took a deep breath. "Do you like me?" He asked.

"Wow delusion has caught up with you" Jade said not looking from her book. "I'm serious" Jay said. "Your dad was too, look where that got him" Jade said before doing a fake gasp.

"You're scared" Jay said. "Scared does not run in my blood" Jade said as she flipped the page of her book. "You're scared of love" Jay said.

"Not scared I just don't prefer it. Not my cup of tea is what Alice would say" Jade responded. Jay sighed in frustration.

"Why are you lying?" He yelled. Jade looked up at him . "I have nothing to lie about" She said. "You like me! But you won't admit it" Jay told her.

Jade tilted her head in amusement before laughing. "Chivalry is definitely dead" She said. Jay scoffed. Jade put her book on her nightstand and gum under the nightstand.

"Just admit it, you like me but you're scared" Jay said. Jade's eyes went dark. "Scared?" She asked as she stood up. "I'm scared?" She asked.

"Yep scared" Jay said. "You don't know what I am, from what I know you can't ask much as look my way when you're flirting with girls" Jade said.

"How do you know I do that?" Jay asked. "Observation, something you should pick up on because you don't know what the hell you're talking about" Jade said raising her voice.

Jay smirked. "You don't want to end up alone, so you build this wall to stop others from getting to you but I broke it and you're scared." Jay said as he started walking towards her.

"You're scared you're gonna fall and I won't catch you. Too late Jade" Jay got in her face. "You already did" He told her.

It was Jade's turn to smirk. "I didn't fall, I was tripped and push" Jade said. Jade stood up straight as she glared at Jay.

"But let's make this clear. I got back up when I noticed what an ass you are. I would never date you because I'd be wasting my time to just get played and be another girl to you" Jade said before walking past him.

"Lock the door on your way out" Jade told him before closing the door behind her. Jay groaned in frustration.


"What's going on with you and Jade?" Carlos asked. "She won't admit it" Jay said annoyed. "Maybe you have to tell her first" Carlos said.

"Not doing that" Jay said. "Yes, let's live with this obvious tension sparking in the room" Carlos said sarcastically.

"You don't understand Los that's exactly what she wants me to do. Bow down at her knees and admit she's right." Jay said. "She would be just another girl to you?" Carlos asked.

"No I-....Jade means a lot to me but I don't know man," Jay said. "Then talk to her" Carlos said. "No because then she's going to be right and I lose. Not happening" Jay said. Carlos rolled his eyes.


"Easy on the blush E, I don't want to scare him away" Mal said. "Not like you could" Jade said. "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes." Evie said.

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips. I never had a sister." Mal said. "Well now you have two. We're going to need all the family we can get If we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White." Evie said.

"You can say that again" Jade said. "Are you guys afraid of your mothers?" Mal asked. "Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Evie asked.

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me... In her own way." Mal said.

"J are you afraid of yours?" Evie asked. Jade looked up at them. "Yeah" Jade said as her voice started to break.

"Why? You seem so tough" Mal said. "I'm afraid if I don't follow her rules she'll do what she was going to do to Rapunzel, me" Jade said.

Mal and Evie hugged her. "We're here and we're always by your side" Evie said. "Yeah and Carlos and Jay are too" Mal said.

"Thanks guys" Jade said. "Moving on come see" Evie said as they stood up. Mal looked at herself in the mirror. "I look..."

"Come on" Jade egged on. "Say it" Evie said. "Not hideous" Mal said. "Not even close" Evie told her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "That must be the prince now" Evie said before opening the door. The girls found Jay standing there instead.

"We need to talk" He told Jade. "No we don't" Jade said glaring at him. "Yes we do" Jay told her. The glared at each other before Evie spoke up.

"Ben is going to be here any minute and you will not ruin this for me so if you need to resolve something resolve it outside" Evie said as she pushed them out the door.

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