Act 3: Scene 8

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"They're asleep. Everyone" Evie said. Jay walked over to a table and Violet pulled out a chair. Jay said Jade down and took a bowl from a student.

"Here" He said. "Jay" Jade groaned. "You need to eat" Violet told her sister. Jade rolled her eyes before popping a grape in her mouth and smiling at her sister.

Violet gave a sarcastic smile back. "I can't get Ben or Dizzy or Doug" Evie said. "Or Jane the signals out" Carlos said. "Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked pointing to the building.

"Yeah, when everyone wakes up you're gonna love it" Carlos said. "Yes!" Celia silently cheered. "Are you okay?" Violet asked sitting in front of her sister.

"You keep asking" Jade let out a small laugh. "I just want to make sure" Violet said. Jade sighed. "You're worried about the baby huh?" Jade asked.

Violet nodded. "You and Jay" Jade said looking at her boyfriend who was talking to Gil. "I'm just having a hard time realizing that I'm carrying someone else"

"It's not easy, you have an entire human in you right now" Violet said and Jade laughed. "V" Jade said. "Yeah" Violet said placing her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Do you think I'll be a good mom?" Jade asked. Violet smiled. "No" She said. Jade frowned. "I think you'll be an amazing mom"

Jade smiled and looked at her sister. "I love you" Jade said wrapping an arm around her sister. "I love you more" Violet said hugging her sister.

"I'm ready to get up" Jade said. "Did you finish all your grapes?" Violet asked. "Yes" Jade groaned. Violet checked the bowl.

"Jay!" Violet called and Jay walked over. "I'm ready to get up" Jade smiled and held out her arms. "I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor"

Harry said to the sleeping people with money and a wallet in his hands. "You do, me not squashing you like a bug" Jay said snatching the money away.

Jade stood up and walked over to the two. "Can we not act like savages please. We have kids here. Whatever problems you have get over it"

Harry and Jay looked at her. "We're not little kids anymore. Peoples lives are in danger, grow up" Jade said before walking over to her sister.

"Dude! Princess!" Carlos said. Jade walked over to Carlos. "Princess" She smiled. "I missed you"Princess said happily and Dude burped.

"Do you know what happened here?" Carlos asked as the other walked over. "Yeah Audrey just popped up and put everyone to sleep" Princess said.

"And then she turned some to sto-" "Guys!" Evie said getting the others attention. "Hannah turned to stone" Evie said. They all walked over looking at the statue.

"Alright everyone stay on your toes" Jay said. Jade stood on her tippy toes. Jay rolled his eyes and Jade stood back on her feet.

"Look, since we're here, let's check the school" Uma said. "No, Audrey went straight for the crown, so I think it's safe to assume she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go"

"Well Mal-" "Says who?" Uma shot. "Says me" Mal shot back. Jade sighed. "Says you. That's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma argued.

"Okay, can we not right now" Jade said to the girls. Uma rolled her eyes. "I don't want to be here anymore than you Uma but people's lives are at stake. To the castle"

Jade finished before walking in the castle direction with Violet following. Jay smirked before following his girlfriend as well as the others.

"Ha! This way" Dude said. Princess purred as Violet as petting her. "Ben could be asleep anywhere" Mal said in frustration. "Or turned to stone" Celia said.

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